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Posts posted by osfan24

  1. 8 minutes ago, Yeoman said:

    I guess you haven't looked out the window in awhile. 

    This wasn't really the beginning of the pattern change. Sure, it's not 45 or 50 and sunny or raining, but really the change is likely coming after this next storm (the magical January 20 date that has been talked about a lot).

  2. 5 minutes ago, frd said:

    Despite the look screaming a mix,  do you think the Friday system evolves enough to further drag down the baroclinic zone to our South? 

    I know this is a trantional time,  pattern-wise,  but just wondering what you think.    

    I'm obviously not an expert, but unfortunately this setup to me does not scream big snowstorm for our area. I also feel like the zone is much more likely to lift up farther north than drag down farther south, but that's just me. I liked the look a little better a couple of days ago, as unrealistic as that probably was, to get the front through and then have a wave form and ride up and dump on us. Either way, we really never do well at the beginning of pattern changes.

  3. 12 minutes ago, heavy_wx said:

    I think the snow detected by the radar is > 500 m above the ground, so with the N wind, it has moved several km south by the time it reaches the ground. I noticed this as the band approached me in North Laurel, where the precip didn't become all that intense until the center of the band was above me.

    Maybe that's it, but I'm literally in the middle and actually more toward the end than the beginning of that band and it's still not doing much. Picked up slightly to maybe a steady light snow?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Bob Chill said:

    The greens in between the yellows in moco are still mod snow just with smaller flakes. I'm over 8" now and 9" is becoming more likely every time i look at radar.

    I'm sitting in the dark greens right now with the yellow band literally a couple of miles away at most and backing into me and it's not snowing above a light snow shower. Not sure what gives.

  5. 9 minutes ago, supernovasky said:

    Man I wish I had been able to fully enjoy this event but I was puking my brains out all night. Still it was awesome to see this much snow for my first time ever!

    Yeah my wife has the flu and one of my kids has been sick so I've gotten no sleep lately so I didn't really get to enjoy this either. Timing wasn't great with the best stuff hitting overnight. I usually would have stayed up or at the very least woken up a bunch to check it out, but I was so tired I couldn't even bother to get up and look. It's a shame you missed out on this one, but much better storms are to come. I hope we get a 2016 or 2010 redux. That will blow you away. And hopefully those you will get to see some of the better snow during daylight. I'll never forget the CCB action I had for several hours in the afternoon at the end of the 2016 blizzard. It was epic.

  6. 1 minute ago, 87storms said:

    yea, i could be wishcasting a bit, but we've had a couple of rainers overperform as well.  3" would be pretty legit, though.  i would take that and call it a storm.

    You are in a much better spot than me. Wouldn't take much of a model error combined with ratios for you to get another 3 or 4, especially looking at current radar.

  7. 6 minutes ago, 87storms said:

    just got back from a nice little hike through cabin john.  outstanding scenery.  5.5" was about the average.

    round 2 or 3 or whatever it is at this point looks very appealing at the moment.  not sure how far north and west is goes, but can't underestimate a mild atlantic.  should be interesting to see how much moisture can get thrown back here.

    Short-range models have really backed off on significant totals for the last round. Looks like 3 inches max, not that I wouldn't take that, but even the area of 3 is pretty small. Most areas along 95 see mayyybe an inch.

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