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Everything posted by JBinStoughton

  1. I said a long time ago it seems unlikely we’re going to somehow realize 130% of normal, and all the similar predictions, when we keep squeezing snow production into a smaller and smaller window. Something’s gotta give at some point and then the discussion will be do we get to average? Do we get a KU? A MECS?
  2. Remember when winter was winter and pattern changes were real lol
  3. Pattern change by later this month ain’t putting the goods in my yard now
  4. At a certain point seeing is believing and all the prognostications of pattern changes coming and better days ahead, no matter how rooted in sound guidance they are, aren’t going to penetrate the psyche when people feel repeatedly disappointed. Just human nature.
  5. These winning teleconnections are gonna produce I tell ya! You could see it coming for months!
  6. Always nice to cash in early before climo gets us
  7. Blech. Out with the bad and in with the worse lol.
  8. And when it’s January it can kill your soul lol.
  9. Of course a rip-roarin’ J-M would make all of our winter worries go away. I just hope this doesn’t become a will-should-could-didn’t kinda winter. The threat of a head fake is what worries me. But of course we’ll see. It’s just that this has been one of the more promising collective winter forecasts in a long while and it would really sting to watch it duck and bob till April.
  10. Yeah looking good. But there’s a reason they’re called weeklies and not called tomorrow
  11. Yes, but apparently the sensible effects don’t kick in for 3 weeks post event. That takes us to late January. Anyway, we’ll see.
  12. All I read from the prognostications at this point is that we’re supposed to be happy we only have to forfeit two of the three meteo winter months and wait for a SSWE that may or may not happen and may or may not deliver if it does. I don’t know. Winter used to just happen. Now we have to rely on anomalous events to maybe salvage part of the winter.
  13. Actually you said we’re not even technically in an el nino “yet”. Ok I’m breathing now lol.
  14. The same el nino forcing that hasn’t shown up yet? Which way is it?
  15. I was in NY at the time and had to sleep over at work because of the expected 3 feet coming. I woke up to about 8”. Oh how that stung!!
  16. What’s the evidence it will be there a month from now if it’s not here now? We’ve been in nino a while now.
  17. Where’s the nino forcing anyway? Does it even matter this close to neutral either way?
  18. You can have the cold but you gotta watch someone else get the snow!
  19. Let’s look for one, high-sun-angle slopfest in mid March?
  20. “Never was” in spite of having been progged to really be. That’d be the true insult. We wait.
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