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E PA/NJ/DE Summer 2019 OBS Thread


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Looks like the back edge of the measurable has finally moved through here and I picked up another hundredth to reach 0.64" for the day (1.25" for 2-days).  Currently overcast and misty and 69, which is 19 degrees cooler than yesterday, 23 degrees cooler than Sunday, and 22 degrees cooler than Saturday at the same time!

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17 minutes ago, RedSky said:

Power restore estimate 12am Saturday lol

Really 4 days from a gust front when Sandy was restored in 7-10 days for like 12 million people. Mostly small limbs this wasn't one millionth Sandy.

Power company sucks azz


Am guessing because with Sandy, they had quite a few volunteers from other power companies from many other states come in to help whereas with this, they are probably on their own (unless they put a call out for some assistance). :yikes:

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46 minutes ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

Am guessing because with Sandy, they had quite a few volunteers from other power companies from many other states come in to help whereas with this, they are probably on their own (unless they put a call out for some assistance). :yikes:

I'm sure the call went out to other states with the beach resorts up and down the coast hit hardest during peak season, unless of course the new mayor is like Christy


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9 minutes ago, RedSky said:

It was a one or two minute storm as far as wind!

Some of the older developments put the wires along a line of trees that were expected to "hide" them as the trees matured (that's what had been done where one of my sisters lives).  Of course decades later, those trees DID mature and often fall (or have branches snap) right onto the lines bringing a whole row of poles down with them. So out comes the Asplundh trucks (or whoever they contract to do tree branch pruning/removal) before they finally get to the transformers and lines.  The newer developments have the wires underground, but then sometimes the servicing areas get flooded and you still have the same problem of an outage. :huh:

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1 minute ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

Some of the older developments put the wires along a line of trees that were expected to "hide" them as the trees matured (that's what had been done where one of my sisters lives).  Of course decades later, those trees DID mature and often fall (or have branches snap) right onto the lines bring a whole row of poles down with them. So out comes the Asplundh trucks (or whoever they contract to do tree branch pruning/removal) before they finally get to the transformers and lines.  The newer developments have the wires underground, but then sometimes the servicing areas get flooded and you still have the same problem of an outage. :huh:

Time to count your losses and migrate to Mars


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17 hours ago, RedSky said:

It was a one or two minute storm as far as wind! Saw the peak gusts for the storm too it only hit 60mph in Monmouth something doesn't jive with this outage.


Crazy for sure.  I will say this....excluding coastal impacts and total rain etc etc....

Those two minutes caused hurricane like damage to the power grids of Monmouth and Ocean counties. In our area of SoMoCo we are approaching 48 hours of power loss for MANY customers be it residential or businesses. BTW not complaining about response times etc etc.  Been around the block many times and actually understand the complications around this particular event.

I do see lots of progress occurring and yes in the beginning those initially turned back on are usually the low hanging fruit, meaning simple fixes.  Our house was an example because the outage occurred down-line and breakers on our street did the job of protecting further damage. So they just needed to be popped back on (bucket lift and a long stick) once the feed was back up four hours later.

My offices however not so lucky.  The destruction in all directions along the 34 corridor between 33 and 195 was a big job and still in progress.  I do see the activity moving along from spot to spot as they piece it all back.

It also took a day for the reinforcements to arrive. I saw many convoys of out of state crew and equipment rolling yesterday. Part of the progress being seen today.

What happen Monday was something I have not seen over such a wide area. I get why.  I also feel, not know, that there might of been a mix of micros AND small tornado's. The reasoning is the absolute sweeping destruction of the winds in small 100-200 yard areas was very intense and focused.  I can looks at the edges and see very little sign of damage.  Also I watched three different wind blast in my back yard within a minute.  Two were from SW and the last one from the NNE.  there was also zero viability in the almost fog like cloud and rain when each hit. I also live on a high point close to 178ft. Not sure if that matters but other spots of more severe impact also pop up at higher points around Alliare Park and Airport.


Kudos to those working around the clock to turn it all back on!

Kudos to the Kohler the old 125 keeps chugging along at work.  


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And an observation of the bizarre hit and miss nature of whatever exactly it was that moved through here - All the pool chair cushions which often blow off on regular 20-30mph windy day gusts were not moved nor were their metal chairs, yet a metal sofa and metal chair flipped upside down under the cabana no less yet the cabana curtains looked relatively undisturbed. One very small (4' long)branch down in TOTAL on the property. It's like the X files( Maybe Stranger Things is a more apt description).





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17 minutes ago, RedSky said:

Out and around the local area again today drove for ten miles still as yet to see one power truck. Feels safe to say we will be the last 1% getting juice.


I have seen them all day in the farmingdale howell and wall area.  I have not been to the beach areas but heard some got power yesterday.

Remember restoration all depends on the source or sources.  There could be a dozen significant repairs required to juice up a section.  

Did you see the rt34 video by the airport.  It was like a 200yrd wide smash.  traffic lights and power poles all down. 

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10 minutes ago, SP said:

I have seen them all day in the farmingdale howell and wall area.  I have not been to the beach areas but heard some got power yesterday.

Remember restoration all depends on the source or sources.  There could be a dozen significant repairs required to juice up a section.  

Did you see the rt34 video by the airport.  It was like a 200yrd wide smash.  traffic lights and power poles all down. 

There was a burning wire 100 yards east of the property that had to get de-juiced i have a real good idea how close the power is lol. 


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1 hour ago, RedSky said:

There was a burning wire 100 yards east of the property that had to get de-juiced i have a real good idea how close the power is lol. 


funny....my house which was back on 4hrs after storm is not off again.....


office is back online though....hmmm fair trade :blink:

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13 minutes ago, RedSky said:

So an out of state power company put a pole in without checking at that spot 100 yards away and ruptured the gas line almost blew up me and the neighborhood. The gas was shooting up like old faithful i had front seats lol.

Wow  hope the gas company was fast to the site!  Our power came back on after 30 minutes.  They had to cut for workers replacing something.


I assume you are still powerless? Still amazed at the amount of damage to the grid in 2 minutes or less.  That was one heck of a front pushing into what was a 114+ heat index zone.

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2 hours ago, SP said:

Wow  hope the gas company was fast to the site!  Our power came back on after 30 minutes.  They had to cut for workers replacing something.


I assume you are still powerless? Still amazed at the amount of damage to the grid in 2 minutes or less.  That was one heck of a front pushing into what was a 114+ heat index zone.

After evacuation and return the power popped on two days early 


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