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Everything posted by Lowershoresadness

  1. next weekend we will get truncation followed by confluence which will cause some upper troposphere disturbance causing rain
  2. I always thought ssw was a music festival #the more you know
  3. I had a weird dream last night. We all were in the middle of an ice age yet is was 40 degrees and was raining. huh
  4. I always pronounce polar vortex in an old German accent like a bond villian
  5. I'm hearing from totally unreliable sources that if we don't see snow this weekend it won't snow again until possibly 2023. Please can someone confirm this?? OMG
  6. Hey how excited are you for the next 3 weeks? give it to me straight
  7. god I hate being so far east. you guys have a totally different climate than I do
  8. ok I'm over this one. What's next? and if someone says rain I'm gonna bitch slap your face
  9. yeah just enjoy your big snow winters while i'm up to my arse in mud puddles
  10. old man rain has come and told the younger snow to "get the hell off my lawn"
  11. hey I did listen! Ji would pay out huge cash money for your tingles
  12. good luck guys. no one is playing with me in my sub sub-forum so I came to say hi and good luck
  13. RED ALERT Delmarva weenies!!!! There is a high probability that something is gonna happen in the near farther future. Stay tuned for further updates
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