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Cold Rain

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Everything posted by Cold Rain

  1. Yeah if it moves in fast enough, I'd expect some rain to start. Hopefully, we get enough robust lift for several hours after the BL cools and we pile up some snow for a change.
  2. Widre is the board pessimist when it comes to snow. New people and Brick don't like that, but he's right to be that way more than he's wrong. In this case, as long as this thing doesn't get in here too early and get too amped, I'm not worried about temps. It's a very cold air mass coming in. Snow is cold and will have no problem piling up with good rates.
  3. It's hilarious how offended Brick gets when anyone brings up possible temp issues or precip issues or track issues.
  4. Chapel Hill is usually a good place to be for events like this. I wouldn't want to live there for other reasons, though. Haha
  5. The NW trend always happens. Without fail. Don't let your guard down! And keep an eye on that high to the north. Don't let it out of site; it will sneak away if you let it.
  6. Cross post a bunch of stuff about can't trust the models, hating cold and dry, t-ball, you know, the usual stuff.
  7. Ain't that the truth. Still plenty of time for the NW shift. Never give up on that.
  8. I posted about it in Banter the other day. It was good stuff. Both times I saw it!
  9. If I added up all the 60 hr snow I've gotten here and compared it to 0 hr snow, you'd understand! The snow has to defeat the snow shields. Nothing I can do about it, unfortunately.
  10. Completely agree. I believe it will hold up well.
  11. This is going to be a dud Euro run. I'm pretty confident about that.
  12. Yes indeed. Those are my two favorites. Did you like Rogue One?
  13. Haha! Your avatar is the best version of that picture.
  14. There's another Coldrain now! What's going on??
  15. ^ Lol. QC, yeah, I have a feeling that folks in my area are going to have to pick up a few German words over the next couple of days. Sorry, Brick.
  16. Wow! We're desperate if we're pulling out the German model. Nein snow for you!!
  17. Well, at least we'll get some sleep. Stupid southern stream wave. Why can't it muscle up and take some energy from the northern stream instead of getting worked over like a wet chicken?
  18. Welp, 1 for 1. If we can't even score on the usually overamped, over-qpf-laden 84 hr Phi Slamma Namma, then we might as well forget it. All of this chasing for a sloppy half inch of snow. SMH.
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