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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. There’s no doubt some good people are stand up business owners. I just think we’ve reached this point for a reason, and all the blame can’t lay at the feet of the employee. It’s easy to say people don’t want to work because they made some money during the pandemic on unemployment, but I think it’s much more complicated than that
  2. No, but the rise in wages has not followed a similar path that it did years ago, that’s not debatable. Gone are the days when mom could stay at home with 6 kids on pa’s salary from the hardware store.
  3. I kind of agree. It’s hard to feel bad for the sob stories of these businesses who have been paying people dirt wages for decades. If wages increased over time, this wouldn’t be an issue. And to top it all off, most of those places don’t over vacation or sick time, and intentionally skirt hour rules to avoid offering health insurance.
  4. It doesn’t look overly cool moving forward. It’s almost the second half of October, would be nice to get a few cool shots.
  5. Everyone deserves a living wage. It’s unfortunate that it’s going to come at the expense of the consumer though, not the giant corps. They are just going to pass the increased labor costs on to you.
  6. My new gig is 6% raises every July for at least the next 10 years. I’ve personally never seen that type of increase, but I’m happy to get it
  7. It’s also crazy expensive to get a CDL, unless you can pass the test without any training or class time. I looked into a training course last year to get one, and it was like 5-10k for the classes/training/ testing, etc etc. most people don’t have that kind of coin laying around to jump in.
  8. The price of gas is insane. It’s literally going up like 5-10 cents a day at the place down the road from me.
  9. My wife ( and I for that matter) love your shots. There’s a few she mentioned she’d like to buy and have blown up and framed so we can hang them in our house. I’d love to buy some of your work.
  10. I mean the early returns definitely aren’t great… but a lot of time left obviously
  11. Isn’t seasonally forecasting kind of a crapshoot at this juncture? It’s the first week of October
  12. I love this stuff. For a while they were talking about converting cranberry bogs in Easton into a pretty large solar field. There were literally signs everywhere against the project. Im Green until it inconveniences me in the slightest way, then screw you.
  13. I’ve done heat and ice and been rotating meds and nothing has really helped… before the game later I’m going to try to do some light stretching. Certain movements really exacerbate it.
  14. I’m trying to do some stretches but it’s so painful and after I try to work it out a bit, the pain is borderline excruciating. It’s like radiating around my entire lower back area. Sucks
  15. So my back started hurting pretty bad suddenly on Friday afternoon. I didn’t do anything that I would consider bad to injure myself that I can remember. Its my very lower back almost around my waist… both sides. It’s very painful… and going down into my leg a bit. It hurts to stand up, and it’s very hard to stand up straight. Im basically shuffling around Any ideas what this could be or what could have happened? Ibuprofen hasn’t helped much at all.
  16. It’s October 2nd lol. What a weenie. There’s 29 days left this month, plenty of time for a frost.
  17. That ain’t happening here by then. Last night was probably the closest well get. Even here I only got down to 36 and I radiate with the best of them
  18. Next week has potential to be a nice fall week with cool damp weather
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