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Everything posted by SouthCoastMA

  1. Great storm for me. If I recall, about 16-17" in Wareham when I lived there
  2. Had about .3"-.4" overnight. Nice surprise...but the roads were terrible.
  3. Not applicable now, but another honorable mention is Dryslot giving Euro updates. It's an easy way for me to know that I'm not getting snow.
  4. It was a heavy dusting here. 2-4" was the result of finding the snowiest model at the time, then multiplying by 2.
  5. Might have to switch to Charmin to get the improvements you need
  6. There it is..the first 1/22/05 reference. at least that I've seen
  7. Was up in Jeffersonville/Sterling Range area yesterday morning. They had a solid 4-6" at the time
  8. Wouldnt be shocked to reach 6" here either. Its ripping
  9. I say this every year around this time. Do yourselves a big favor (mainly those in SNE)..and don't get invested in storms until December.
  10. Looking back at 1/22/05..i remember reporting depth as my total..as an ignorant youth. 26" OTG was likely 30"-35" for a total. Around 12-13" depth for this storm. Ended up with around 13.5 -14" total
  11. Then you'd still be together? This was painfully close to phasing..which was why I even brought it up as a thought
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