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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. This thing is about over. We're hanging hopes on the JMA. It's the 4th quarter with 5 mins left and we're down like 24.
  2. I mean, booze I can get anywhere. Cuddling is where it's at. See you around 5
  3. It's like an annual tradition here! Happy Moderator Policy Discussion Day!
  4. You never have to fear repercussions for speaking your mind, I (and the rest of the staff) don't and SHOULDN'T work like that. You can call me the worst admin in history and I wouldn't do one thing to you or your account and I wouldn't let anybody else do anything to your account. It is what it is. And of course there is some bias at play with MINOR things like banter here and there. But there is no censorship here, so let's stop with the maudlin cries of it. You are free to say what you want, provided that it's in the right thread.
  5. Agreed, because that STJ s/w was going to hit us, but then saw storm mode and decided to slide south.
  6. Look at that massive rainstorm on the GFS at 210. That's a lock. It will happen exactly like that. I'm not even joking.
  7. What about when I started threads for 3 HECS in 09-2010. And January 2016? Was that a fail too? Asking for a friend.
  8. I'm not even close to giving up, I'm just annoyed at this point. I'm all in until Friday at least. I mean, at this point the GFS isn't making sudden moves..continuing with 18z
  9. Well, I was giving it until today to start to improve...and we still have a long way to go. But frustration has finally set in and there's a solid chance we're shut out.
  10. FV3 came north. Gets us into the precip shield now EDIT: Didn't check the 6z...about the same, but still better than the regular ol GFS
  11. It's a storm thread. Not a storm only if it hits thread.
  12. Ok. I’ll skip the long spiel and keep it short. Keep banner to a minimum. Post on point content. Rules are a lot stricter. Posts disappear easily in this here thread. Bring the storm north.
  13. Not a hit but a step forward from 6z with the northern extent of the precip shield. Half a step forward.
  14. I don’t mean harm when I say this, but some of y’all need to brush up on model interpretation.
  15. Hate those NS prices. Always been higher than the rest of Canada. Loaf of bread is like $4 there.
  16. It’s not out that far. I don’t know how else to explain it to you.
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