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Posts posted by TWCCraig

  1. 21 hours ago, LongBeachSurfFreak said:

    I have an extensive tropical garden here on campus on the uws and everything is fine. I’m talking actual tropical plants too. I was a little worried the low dews and wind might bother them but we should go deep into November before I dig them up and pot them and give them out to professors for their offices over the winter. I’ll call it adopt a plant.


    Off-topic, but any windmill palms, needle palms, or sabal minors? I'm into "zone-pushing" these kinds of plants, actually have several of them in the ground for several years now. Mature needle palms and sabal minors can handle most winters here. I've never needed to protect them, they've been through temperatures as low of 3 degrees completely unprotected, minimal tip burn at worst. Windmills need protection though, I make a wood frame for each of them, which can be a hassle since they're getting big now, and then cover with a tarp. I only cover them below 15 degrees or in a big snowstorm, as the melting and refreezing of the snow can damage the crown. Here's a picture of one of them that I didn't protect after the January 7th snowstorm this past winter. It's a crazy little hobby, but it's pretty cool come winter time. I'm amazed at the amount of cold these plants can tolerate, that plus the snow makes the winter time pretty interesting. If we ever have a month like February 2015 again, I'm sure some wouldn't make it. Still fun to try though!


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  2. 6 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    Isn't there some way to destroy these annoying pests?


    The DEC is supposed to come in and take down any trees that have a beetle infestation, especially in the preserves. From what I heard, they aren't too responsive though.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Cfa said:

    What’s up with the pines in Central/Eastern Suffolk? I keep thinking I’m seeing fall foliage and it’s just sick/dying/dead pitch pines.

    Could be either drought stress or pine beetle

  4. 8 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    At this time of the year it doesn't matter-- we're well into fall and nothing is growing here right now.  Also the reservoirs are fine, so any rainfall deficit doesn't really matter. Not every year has to be way above normal, we've had plenty (too many!) years with too much rain, it's time for things to balance out now.


    Also, if you want to water something, you can do so.  Lawns are a waste of space and a waste of resources, so I was done with those years ago.

    It was a significant short lived dry spell here, and perhaps one of the most significant for how little rain fell here, and the data backs this up. Reservoirs never got down too low because those areas saw more rain. I don't mind a dry period to even things out. I don't worry too much about a lawn, but many trees here were stressed from the drought. When the trees become stressed, it's clear indication of an intense dry spell.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, ILoveWinter said:

    Exactly. The number of drought comments in the past few weeks/months would lend someone to believe that it's been one of the worst of all time! Yes it's been quite noticeable in some areas (certainly on the surface) but the reservoirs never really dropped to anything considered to be a "low" level (I think 90% of normal was a number I saw a month ago?). It's certainly not even remotely close to the West. Not saying we didn't need some rain but the raininess of the past few days through to Wednesday was not THAT badly needed!

    ISP had the driest summer period (July 1st-August 31st) on record, even drier than the drought of the 60's. Obviously this was a shorter term drought, and if there was really anywhere that had real drought conditions, it was the south shore of LI. So yes, it was a significant drought here and the rain is needed here. Other places faired much better with the rain over the summer, and were only moderately dry. No one should ever compare a drought in the northeast to a drought out west, they are two completely different climates.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, guinness77 said:

    Pouring in Babylon. Hardest rain I’ve seen in months, easily, which is kinda sad. Moderate breeze, not gusty. Very welcome precip! 

    Agree, easily our best rain event in months. So glad we finally got some rain. Getting some heavy rain and gusty winds here. Awesome

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, Rmine1 said:

    Hello neighbor. My gut tells me that we see a quick shot of rain as the front dries up as it heads east. Very strong marine influence today with strong onshore winds. 

    I've been trying to be more optimistic. Just glad that we will see some rain today! The fact that this is our first bona fide cold front is a plus. The sun has been peaking out so far, which could help destabilize more. Up to 77 here, 55 at Monticello. Don't think we see an inch today, more like 0.3"-0.7"

  8. Front will sweep through around noon, last several hours. I think we will the see the most significant rain in several months compared to the very little amounts we've gotten. Anymore than 0.35" and it will be the best event since June. What an insanely dry period we're in here. Never seen so many trees wilting, and or dead. ISP has received way more rain than my location, so it's the second driest July 1-September 21 period on record there behind 2005. Would assume it's probably the driest on record for my location if we had long term data here

  9. 9 hours ago, WestBabylonWeather said:

    Can’t imagine the .5 I got yesterday penetrated down to any roots. Drought lives on 

    It wasn't enough for most vegetation around here. Honestly looks like October out there with all the stressed trees. Bad foliage season coming up like we had in 2020 when the salt spray from Isaias destroyed the trees around here

  10. 4 minutes ago, Rmine1 said:

    This appears to be ending way ahead of schedule. My “bust” call was pretty spot on, particularly for the south shore. 

    good news though, the rest of the week looks sunny and dry! Just what we don’t need. 

    HRRR and NAM have some rain into the evening hours and tonight so hopefully we can add to the totals. It's almost no surprise that we have been getting the lower amount in all the events. You have to expect it at this point. I was never buying the bullish models for today. The potential for a dry slot was there

  11. 2 hours ago, MJO812 said:

    Radar looks awesome
     Never been excited like this for rain.  It's been a while since we saw alot of rain.

    Seriously, after being skunked all summer, I'm way more excited for this than I should be. So glad it's raining

  12. 2 hours ago, Rmine1 said:

    Same in Brightwaters 

    2 hours ago, WestBabylonWeather said:

    Correct. All the storms missed me. One by just a mile or two lol. 

    Just north of you, can verify we've had almost next to nothing in terms of rain this entire summer. We are in the driest spot on LI.

    Turned out to be a nice day. Lots of high clouds but enough sun for it to be a nice day though it was never forecasted to be completely overcast. 84 and humid

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