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Posts posted by lee59

  1. 18 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Mountain regions there average 200" so I would think they'd get snow.

    But you know it's bad when you have to go to interior NNE in late January to find snow. 


    They average about 80 inches per year and as you mention the nearby mountains get way more. Yes this has been a pathetic winter in our area.

  2. 16 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    They keep playing it up on ABC saying every day for the entire month will be above normal and both days on the weekend will hit 50 and that we'll hit 50 tonight too.



    Meanwhile 20 to 30 below zero in northern Minnesota this weekend.

  3. 37 minutes ago, MANDA said:

    Question. For Don probably.  Now that the record for latest measurable in CP is broken where are we in terms of the record for interval between measurable.  I think the record is 332 days but not sure and not sure what day we are at now.  Would love to bust that record as well.  After that not sure what is left except least in a season.

    Latest first snow for NYC is January 29th.

  4. 4 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    What that does is create a pattern where you have to depend on one storm for most of your snow, a la 2015-16 or to a lesser extent last winter.

    Yes it is the big snowstorms that have really increased our average over the past 20 years. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    at this point you can't ignore what is going on in the rest of the world, this isn't an "unlucky" winter, it's happening all over the world.


    The winters are more mild now by a few degrees, but the moisture has also increased. So winter snows have increased, at least for now. I think this winter is simply bad because of the pattern were in. If those storms were off the coast and not inland runners, there would be a lot more happy people on the forum.

  6. According to Upton:

    High res models indicating strongest mid-level frontogenesis
    develops to the north and west of the coastal plain Wed morning
    into early afternoon. This will actually have the highest
    likelihood and intensity of precip to develop across Interior
    portions of NE NJ, Lower Hud and SW CT Wed morning into early
    afternoon (thermal profile plenty cold enough for snow). With
    that said, can not rule out that this development could be a bit
    farther south into the coastal plain (although a lower
    probability). Most indications are for snow development to hold
    off until mid morning or later.
  7. 1 hour ago, Allsnow said:

    We always talk about these one and done winters where we threaded the needle. With how warm our winters are getting now I think that will become a thing of the past. It’s seems like now we need the perfect set up just to get a few inches 

    The last 30 yr. average for snowfall at Central Park has to be one of the highest 30 yr. averages since records have been taken. Maybe this is just the law of averages taking over and we got a little spoiled.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Winterweatherlover said:

    Yea the 10:1 map has 0.1 inch but I wouldn't use that for this storm. Kuchera is nothing on the 0Z run. 


    Window for snow is 18z to 0Z and at 18Z it's 37 degrees in NYC. 

    I can't believe I am rooting for .01 inch of snow for Central Park. :)

  9. 1 hour ago, MANDA said:

    Don't look now but GFS is back to glacier building mode to open February.  I'll say one thing about this winter so far.  I've not lost a wink of sleep over any incoming storm.  

    Yea Euro and CMC seem to be on board for at least a turn to cold, we shall see.

  10. 1 hour ago, CIK62 said:

    % already back under 100 for that 1" of snow in the next 16 days.       Dead Already.      Gee, We Hardly Got to Know You.

    In addition, ACCUWEATHER has cancelled the rest of the winter for the Coastal Northeast.        This is the second Death Notice issued.    

    Problem is the tightening up of the SPV and that another warming event will come too late for a coastal region, snow wise.      Spring could be partially BN, at least early on, that is.


    So the GFS says an 80-90% chance of Central Park getting an inch of snow. Would be nice to see that Wednesday but I have my doubts. Anything measurable would be good.

  11. Nice to see some areas getting some snow today. I think a little more than what was expected a few days ago. Hopefully the next storm will do the same. I just hope Central Park can get an accumulation, then that'll be by the wayside

  12. 36 minutes ago, LongBeachSurfFreak said:

    Even if the park does manage a coating don’t expect it to be measured. We absolutely had a coating during the December event, I have pics to prove it, and it wasn’t recorded. 

    I had about a half inch in December, in the levittown area. Are you talking about pictures of Central Park?

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