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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. +1” (1/29) 11” on the season. *1.6” more needed to beat last season.
  2. https://m.jpost.com/science/article-784093
  3. Let the outlook go. I need some mildish sun soon or I may lose it.
  4. I'd take a weekend KU (if I had my choice) to round off Feb. Close schools on a Monday and then warm it up as we head into Morch.
  5. Fire up the Winter 2024-2025 thread? Can we get #7 in a row?
  6. Took this getting off 93 by the Hard Rock. Anyone recall how much of a cluster it was driving in the city? Every intersection was a nightmare. Those were the days.
  7. Instances March sun and light wind are to be treasured after 36F cloudy/dank weeks at a time in mid winter.
  8. It lasted all of about 3.5 minutes.
  9. Interior looks decent for a good serving of mashed potatoes. Us coastal dwellers probably need to wait a while longer. Maybe an inch or three here Monday, enough to be a nuisance.
  10. Wow. I just checked my old stomping grounds. High of 77F today. Late January. Yikes.
  11. This image sums up the past few winters around here. Coastal Essex County screw job. It strikes with amazing precision.
  12. Can we add a roller coaster emoticon? It would get a lot of use. Janky airmass has me not expecting much here. Interior paste job is looking more likely. PJ vs. CJ.
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