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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. The melts will be tremendous in here this time next week as we’re wrapping up another cutter with the potential of another a few days later.
  2. This Friday’s? Next Tuesday’s? Or next Friday’s?
  3. Yeah, especially when it seems Mother Nature is going out of her way to find ways not to snow.
  4. Facts? Who needs facts these days? That PV is definitely over Europe just like qq said. Kidding aside, if Ray nails this winter forecast, he should become the winter weather expert and get a red tag.
  5. Hey now. The 18z GFS gets a clue. Now looks pretty similar to the EURO. The trough axis looks too far west, so it looks like another wet solution for NYE/NYD. Two more cutters and then we’re onto the promised land...almost.
  6. Let’s split the difference between the GFS and EURO for NYE. Probably a BM open wave cold rain
  7. I’d take a couple inches to kick off the snow season. The half inch that melted before sunrise on 11/15 doesn’t count IME. Let’s inaugurate this winter finally.
  8. IIRC, there were a couple snow events in late March 2002 and then freak snow in May 2002. Got 1” in Woburn on like the 22nd or some late date.
  9. And we aren’t. The redeeming part about that winter was that we knew we had pretty much zero chance from the getgo. Here, we have chances lining up week 2 and beyond. Hopefully we make some contact.
  10. Just making a passing comment/observation. Earlier in the month (like 12/5 or something) I guessed correctly that we’d see 200+ pages before BOS saw measurable for the month. Don’t read too much into it.
  11. When was the last time BOS recorded a T or less for the month of DEC? Fairly recently IIRC.
  12. It’s official. We’re at more than 200 pages of December pattern discussion between parts 1 and 2 with BOS failing to see measurable for the month.
  13. Thumbs up! GFS lost it, so hopefully the Euro hangs onto it.
  14. Third consecutive Saturday morning to run in shorts and a tee?
  15. Merry Christmas! May the Goofus be right for once this upcoming weekend.
  16. All windows open, sun poking through, mid 50s and birds chirping. Is it March 22?
  17. We’ll catch up on zzz’s in the Spring.
  18. See them here in the mid Atlantic forum. Wicked! https://www.americanwx.com/bb/topic/51821-decemberjanuary-mediumlong-range-discussion/?page=19
  19. Ran out of upload memory, but Jan 21-28 and Jan 28-Feb 4 are just as tasty.
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