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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Haha I thought about that and wondered if I should wait and then thought nah
  2. DISCLAIMER: I’m starting this thread early just to chronicle our frustrations in a winter that finds new ways NOT to snow. Hopefully in a month or so, we can look back at this thread and laugh at how unnecessary/ridiculous it was in the first place. For now, we watch... BOS sits at 0.2” going into January. Pattern looks bleak for snow through 1/15-1/20. We should break our streak of bad luck later in January with a more favorable pattern...hopefully making this thread obsolete. If for some reason the back half of this winter throws us a curve and peters out before getting started, we can root for futility in this thread. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but futility in BOS is under 10”. Something like 9.6”. Hopefully we exceed that figure by 5x or more. Time will tell. We can come back to this thread as needed. Hopefully not. Here’s to a 14/15 comeback!
  3. I’m willing to bet that BOS fails to record 1” by 1/15. I start rooting for futility by 2/1 if BOS is < 5” with a bleak outlook.
  4. Of course. Hoping at least ORH can score a couple before the flip. Let’s break this streak of bad luck.
  5. Sheesh. If that cuts, maybe we can get another DSD out of it at least.
  6. Dude...if it’s all southern stream and no northern stream, we can have a perfect BM track...still going to be rain outside of the mountains.
  7. I wonder whether it will be a 37F rain or 48F rain. #coastalSNEproblems
  8. This looks like it needs to thread the needle for SNE to avoid more rain. Nothing really stopping this from hugging the coast or even tracking right overhead. I’ll even pass on a few inches of snow that gets washed away. Ski areas should get a nice replenishment. Hey, at least it’s something to track. Reading posts that the EPS went meh for post 1/7 is a bit disheartening though.
  9. In other words, you’re saying there’s a chance.
  10. Was it it you that mistook Siberia for Europe last week?
  11. Let’s do this. From futility to epicocity.
  12. You can already start to see on the OP runs how things could turn good later in January. Likely no more running in summer clothes.
  13. Third Saturday in a row of running in shorts and a tee. Bluebird day and was quite toasty in the direct sun. Winter on....
  14. Heck, I’d be happy with 2-4 at this point.
  15. He mentions those when it rubs salt in our wounds...he's a great met. Just need to understand his sense of humor.
  16. Yup...starting to get that feeling. Waiting for the first inch until mid Jan is tough.
  17. Same here. I should clarify the above, shorts AND tee.
  18. I’ll be running in shorts on Saturday morning and NYD morning if the rain stops in time.
  19. Running in shorts and tees a real possibility a few times before then.
  20. This thread is coming to a close. I fully expect meltdowns to be widespread leading up to the NYD cutter if what follows is MOTSOS. Myself included.
  21. I could do without the cold dry windy days in between warmups/rainers. Let’s just get DSD’s going. Maybe Saturday?
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