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Everything posted by NorEastermass128

  1. Who cares? It's the CMC. Snow88 is meltinggggggggggggg.
  2. Cape Ann...we got a half inch that melted before sunrise on 11/15. A flurry yesterday morning. This winter sucks.
  3. I wouldn’t mind them so much if it wasn’t bone chilling right behind them.
  4. Lol...unlikely. The first dry 10 day period in May will start the drought concern posts.
  5. Ugh. I know it’s verbatim OP, but it’s more rain for me. Woo
  6. Hmmm...continuing from last month, do we go 2 months in a row of 200+ pages of discussion thread before BOS records it’s first cumulative inch on the season? Quite possible.
  7. Amen. And I second what Jerry added...not at any age.
  8. Snowing in DC right now. So there’s that.
  9. I’m about to bird box through the rest of this winter. Geez
  10. Likely another fraud event using Ray's words.
  11. I prefer 50s/60s if it isn't going to snow. Heck, I'll take more than the 20% of possible sun that we've been getting.
  12. Agreed. It's not a ratter pattern like 2011-2012....we're just in a rut of really bad luck. BOS still at 0.2"* *I know it's a fraud measurement.
  13. (Raises hand) It's a mild melt...…...slowly entering the apathetic stage.
  14. So...…..we're looking at hour 384 storms on the OPs and ensembles now. The weather boredom continues...……...aside from our regular rainstorms.
  15. If Sunday misses completely and the Pats happen to lose, I can’t be held responsible for my ensuing melt. Just throwing it out there haha
  16. Nothing wrong with leaning left especially in MA. Looking good post 1/20. Ray will be unbearable and deserving of a red tag.
  17. I'll take an inch or two...just enough to cover the grass for more than 24 hours. Is that too much to ask for in mid January in New England?
  18. Hopefully this is one of the last systems where it's like pulling teeth trying to bring snow into the area. We pray for the period post 1/20.
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