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Posts posted by Jonger

  1. 18 hours ago, OrdIowPitMsp said:

    Kinda ended up being an overcast day with all the smoke. I can’t remember seeing it this bad this early but nothing unprecedented. 

    We did manage to get up to 81 today. Backdoor cold front coming tonight will cool us off some. 

    My weather station recorded it's highest UV rating back in early May..... smoke has kept the higher sun angle from registering a higher reading since then.

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  2. 17 hours ago, cyclone77 said:

    Isn't it like 3 months early for these smoky skies?

    At least we know it has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with arson. We just had one of the wettest seasons on record and just like that.... FIRE CITY!

  3. 3 hours ago, WestMichigan said:

    When I first moved to Michigan in 2010 I distinctly remember in Holland waking up multiple times to tstorms very late at night to right before sunrise.  It almost was regular enough to make me think this is how it goes in Michigan.  Then reality set in over the next 12 years and I realized this was an anomaly, not the norm.

    Summer storm activity in Michigan has really declined over the last 15 years or more.

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  4. 4 hours ago, nwohweather said:

    It's the oddest thing about Michigan. You have legitimately nice neighborhoods in SE Michigan connected by gravel roads. Ohio in very rural places can have extremely narrow roads, but they're always paved

    I noticed that Ohio & Indiana use a asphalt/gravel road composition for some rural roads. This road type you just don't see used in Michigan. We seem to be left with dirt.

    This is a typical Ohio rural road situation. You can see where the more privative low traffic asphalt meets a different texture/higher traffic asphalt mix. In Michigan the roadway on the right would be asphalt and a skirt would extend about 20 feet onto the left roadway, then it would transition to dirt. 



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  5. 5 hours ago, Brian D said:

    You can see from the annual values in the charts above to the official record starting in the 1870's how things line up. Warming started in the 20's there. Would be interesting to know the locations of the measurements back then, but Detroit grew pretty fast, with landscape changes, all helped change the temp profile some. Pretty cool historical record.


    Added the MSP chart for comparison starting in 1820, and it's pretty similar. The 1850's - mid 1870's were a bit cool, and that data is missing with your charts, and the Detroit graph. But prior to the 1850's it was pretty back and forth overall from warmer, and cooler years. Wonder what kicked off those cooler decades? But at the same time during then, a big drought was going on in the western half of the country, although not as bad as centuries before. Very interesting.



    MSP 1820 to current temp graph.gif

    california_drought_timeline 2.png

    Undeniable warming. Probably a mix of natural and man made. The rise from 1860 to the 1930s is staggering, with very little co2 above pre-industrial baseline.

  6. 37 minutes ago, TheClimateChanger said:

    Still a far cry from the winter of 1837, when the St. Clair River was still closed with ice on June 1, and ice was harvested until the Fourth of July. Thanks to the "Urban Heat Island Effect," conditions like these no longer occur.


    Tail end of the "Little ice age" too.

  7. 37 minutes ago, HillsdaleMIWeather said:

    I don't know how anyone who's even slightly interested in the weather can defend Musk's changes, he completely broke many warning and spotting dissemination APIs and resulted in the banning of 16 IEMbot accounts for "spam"

    That I know nothing about. I do like the ability to make a Tweet without worrying about my account being disabled. That's what I pay for.

    I can't imagine the API change was intentional, is there some competing service or just collateral damage with a software update?

  8. 48 minutes ago, SolidIcewx said:

    Great pics!! I look forward to being there when it’s a more summer like storm pattern. Love the beautiful sands and water even tho I love our Great Lake dunes

    The sea foam is the giveaway, other than that it looks like the great lakes.

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