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Posts posted by Jonger

  1. 20 minutes ago, buckeye said:

    anyone who has a wxbell subscription needs to watch JB's atmospheric avenger vid from this morning.   He's lost his mind, laughing throughout the entire vid while babbling about how every indice is going exactly as he forecasted except the weather isn't cooperating.    He even said he's not going to use the delayed not denied excuse.   If the pattern hasn't changed by the 20th his forecast will have been garbage and he doens't care what happens after that.   :lol:

    Seriously....straight-jacket worthy stuff :blink:

    He busts almost nonstop. You can't predict weather more than 10 days out.

  2. On 12/18/2018 at 3:19 PM, Snowless in Carrollton said:

    Is it just me or is MI a little more scenic than IN ? Seems like there are way more trees in MI !

    Indiana is originally a part of the prairie. Michigan has a bit of original prairie in the south center part of the state, but that's mostly farmland now

    Just go another 75 miles north and it turns into a mixed conifer transitional foliage "Northwoods".

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, slow poke said:

    This will be the first time since 1997 that we won’t be up north between Christmas and New Years, in 97 we didn’t go up because of the weather, this year it’s because we’re going to Florida. When we booked the trip back in May I wasn’t really happy because I thought we would be missing out on a week of snowmobiling, now it’s looking like we picked a good year to go down there. A group of us are heading to WY snowmobiling for a week in early Janurary, hopefully the cold and some snow will kick in by the time we get back from out there because it’s not looking to good between now and January. Probably should have kept our razor, at least we could have been out riding some and stayed warm when’s there’s no snow. I did put 25 miles on my TW 200 yesterday though on the back roads around home. Felt like a early spring day.

    I told the guys, December is toast. 100%.

    There might be no serious trail riding until mid Jaunary at this rate. 6 weeks of the season in the trashcan.

    This is 2011-2012. But worse.

    Not as warm, but just as useless.

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  4. 5 hours ago, josh_4184 said:

    Man you sure are not kidding, what a dumpster fire run that was, might not even have a white X-Mas for my area which is pretty much unheard off. 

    That torch on the 28th will wipe out everything but the deepest snow in the UP. Newberry will have grass on Jan 1st.

    Worst snowmobile season ever.

    I'm already looking into flying out to Colorado and renting mountain sleds.

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