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Everything posted by Thunderblizzard

  1. Pounding huge flakes here, solid coating on everything. 33F
  2. Mention didn't work earlier for some reason, 1.5" total in Southington. @The 4 Seasons
  3. Yeah, have to imagine it’d be like 3” by now if it was slightly colder. Can’t complain in October but it does suck seeing constant moderate snow not accumulate lol.
  4. Moderate snow with solid growth but it’s hardly accumulating.
  5. Noticeable compaction/melting here at 33.4F and light/moderate snow, maybe this heavier stuff coming in can change that
  6. Struggling to accumulate now with lighter snow. 1.2”
  7. Eyeballing an inch, borderline heavy snow. 32.8F
  8. Pavement caving some. Coming down at a good clip with great snow growth.
  9. It's a miracle I have power here... next street over is dark with a tree & lines in the road. Had to have flickered at least 10 times yesterday. A large chunk of Route 10 on Queen Street down to N Main Street is still without power and I haven't seen any trucks around here either today.
  10. Split down the middle with that last squall... lol. Can't complain in May I guess.
  11. On and off flakes in the air here... squalls keep narrowly missing to the north
  12. A few flakes flying in the air with the rain... latest I've personally seen. 36.8F
  13. A trace in Southington... flipped to snow for about 15 minutes before going back to rain.
  14. 20.6" total here... full blown ratter.
  15. Flipped over to giga flakes here. Trying its hardest to stick. 35.0F
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