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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. Quick video of moisture streaming over the summit at Lincoln peak. Looking north so it’s going west to east.
  2. I’m by the south western part of blue just north of croton. But I’d love to ride the Yorktown trails with you. Let me know when you’re back to riding.
  3. I live like a mile from blue so I’m usually riding there at least once a week. Also been going up to Stewart a bit lately. Fun easy trails. Always looking for riders. Pm me whenever u want to ride.
  4. Nope. Water was crystal clear and perfect temp. I did check the website before going.
  5. Went to north beach in Burlington today. What a great spot.
  6. I spend a fair amount of time in the woods in the area since I bike and what I’ve noticed is the lack of an under story. There isnt anything under 6 feet. I assume that is the result of the overpopulation of deer. They just denude the vegetation they can reach. The trees are in fair shape and I haven’t really seen the vine problem so much. The ash are being replaced by maple for the most part and there’s a smattering of others, in addition to the oaks. Im up in vt right now, and it seems the density of the trees is similar but there is a much greater density of low level growth.
  7. I have woods adjacent to my back yard where all the ash trees died in the last 3-4 years. 8 trees.
  8. I'm definitely not a "bump skier" although I do ski them with the 108s. While they are certainly not the best tool for the job, they are adequate for my purposes. My issue skiing bumps is that I have a tendency to sit back, such that when I am properly balanced and in a rhythm, I'm fine, even with the 108's. point is, its me not the width of the skis. What I really enjoy is powder and off piste so the mid fats are definitely better for that.
  9. The Blizzard Rustler comes in 3 different widths, denominated the Rustler 9-, 10 and 11. The 11 is 112 under foot for most lengths, 114 on the longest, I believe the 188 and 192. The rustler 10 is 102 under foot. I demo'd the 10 last season and loved it. I've been riding a line SFB which is 108 so I'm in the market for the rustler 11. thinking that I was fine with the 108 as my daily quiver even on hard pack groomers, and the wider width gives me the versatility for use in powder here and also out west. So I would probably recommend the Rustler 10 especially if youre coming from such a narrow ski.
  10. We got a little rain here in croton and i hit a downpour on the taconic on the way home.
  11. I don't know if this qualifies as an interesting weather situation or not but figured I'd post it in case anyone wants to check it out. I go kayaking and paddling on the croton river which runs from the dam to the hudson where they meet at the metro north station. For whatever reason the DEP has been and continues to release water from the bottom of the reservoir, as opposed to allowing the warmer surface waters to spill over. This water is extremely cold. I was told the temperature of the water where the river becomes navigable is at 48f. way too cold to swim. So cold in fact, that fog forms in spots. The air, at least right above the water in the gorge is a good 20 degrees less than the surrounding air temperature. yesterday paddling through the fog was like out of a horror movie.
  12. The water was really warm at blueberry lake and the mad river in Warren. It was great. Stay in the water forever and then when you get out, no need to dry off. Felt great. Was a tad warm/humid biking but I avoided heat stroke, so all good.
  13. interesting stuff. https://www.weather.gov/btv/June-18-2018-Severe-Weather-Review-Including-the-Waitsfield-VT-Wet-Microburst
  14. We need some love on the banks of the hudson. Last 3 storms (2-8-2) were not kind to us relatively.
  15. I got maybe 8”. Lost power for about an hour. Limbs snapping and trees coming down. Very heavy snow.
  16. 4” otg and lightly snowing. This is going to be another huge negative bust here.
  17. Puking parachutes now for the last 30-40 minutes. 3” otg.
  18. Serious snow just commenced here about 5 minutes ago. Let’s get this party going. 35.6f. About an inch otg.
  19. Flakes have commenced here in croton. Nice ones too. And so it begins.
  20. I was on eastern before here, but had been spending pretty much all my non working time up in vt so mainly in the sne forum. I don’t know enough to comment on models or meteorology in general for that matter. But I do love me some snow, even more so if I can ski it.
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