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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. They are both up for sale obviously since they are in receivership but I think they were trying to sell them separately.
  2. Snowing moderately here. Big fluffy flakes. Approaching an inch.
  3. I hiked the ridge line from Lincoln to castle rock this afternoon and eyeballed 4-6”. Sure skied liked that. ‘‘Twas quite nice.
  4. Gotta luv the clippers. Wish it would start already.
  5. Vent away. I think you should start a new nw burb 2019 winter thread. Change things up and get some better juju going for your health and all of our snow totals.
  6. Can’t come soon enough. Was about as ugly as it gets this morning. Raining and blowing hard.
  7. Happy new year. Here’s to starting off the new year with a positive bust. It can happen.
  8. This sounds good from Btv Interesting, the fast moved of system cuts off warm nose from reaching northern VT, especially northeast Kingdom, where 925mb to 850mb profiles stay at or below 0c, supporting mostly snow. Thinking a plowable snowfall of 3 to 6 inches is likely for central/northern VT, especially the northeast Kingdom for this event.
  9. Snowing now. Solid dusting. Glad the brief warm interlude is over.
  10. Happy to say snow from this morning still on the car. Not doing anything at the moment.
  11. Yeah, I do the same, but then there is the time when you get a slushy inch that freezes and it’s a mess because it wasn’t plowed.
  12. Coating of snow under a glaze on the car. Now freezing rain and rain. Ugly out there.
  13. I saw the same. The low angle woods and the natural snow trails are skiing good. However the high angle off piste, at least where I’ve been, is terrible. Just a solid crust. Some sleet could do some good especially if we can score some on the back end.
  14. Lawson’s brewery opened about a month ago. It’s great.
  15. An inch plus here. Blower. Medium flake size. Stacking beautifully.
  16. Skied in the morning at Lincoln peak. Conditions were surprisingly good on the groomers. It started snowing at noon and the intensity, such that it was, picked up rather quickly. Put down about 2” above 3000’ by 2pm. There was about an inch at base and a little more at 1500’ at 4. Nice little surprise. Made the skiing a lot better. Even ventured on to natural ungroomed terrain. That was good. Off piste not so much. merry Xmas from the other Jew.
  17. Interestingly, I just learned of a product called “Motomix” that is a pre mixed fuel that protects the engine while it sits idle for long periods. https://www.stihlusa.com/products/oils--lubricants-and-fuels/premixed-fuel/ Also, there are new gas saws coming out now that don’t have carburetors at all, but direct fuel injection.
  18. Why not just get a gas one? I have a small stihl I got last year after my old one got crunched. Totally fine for everything but big trees and I’m not touching those by myself anyway.
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