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Posts posted by Bostonseminole


    2 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    If she smokes two packs of Newports a day, pickled eggs might actually be exactly what she is looking for in a man. 

    Pretty much 1/2 the ladies you would meet at a bar in Billerica lol

    • Like 1
  2. Not aimed at Phin, quote for good idea… This goes for anyone stressed about COVID  (restrictions or sickness, equal levels of stress these days it seems) or even any daily life stress at all.  Two things linked to lower stress…. Outdoor activity and dogs.  Get a dog, go outside and find something to laugh about…. Sounds like a goddamn Men’s Health article but it’s true. 
    I know some think I just hike mountains all day but believe it or not I do work and THEN grab the dog and head outside for a couple hours each evening.  If anyone thinks they are the only ones who get stressed over work, ha!  6-8pm this time of year (or 4:30-6:30am) are the golden hours this time of year.  Get outside, big fan.
    Even something as simple as floating around a pond in a kayak, wandering some local naturalist trails, take the kids, whatever.  The head clearing is incredible when you are outside in the water, woods, etc.
    Highly recommend.  And dogs.  Everyone needs more dogs.  Ginxy knows.
    camp counselor hippy bullshit from a white bread suburban kid who found the outdoors peaceful>


    • Like 4
  3. Not aimed at Phin, quote for good idea… This goes for anyone stressed about COVID  (restrictions or sickness, equal levels of stress these days it seems) or even any daily life stress at all.  Two things linked to lower stress…. Outdoor activity and dogs.  Get a dog, go outside and find something to laugh about…. Sounds like a goddamn Men’s Health article but it’s true. 
    I know some think I just hike mountains all day but believe it or not I do work and THEN grab the dog and head outside for a couple hours each evening.  If anyone thinks they are the only ones who get stressed over work, ha!  6-8pm this time of year (or 4:30-6:30am) are the golden hours this time of year.  Get outside, big fan.
    Even something as simple as floating around a pond in a kayak, wandering some local naturalist trails, take the kids, whatever.  The head clearing is incredible when you are outside in the water, woods, etc.
    Highly recommend.  And dogs.  Everyone needs more dogs.  Ginxy knows.
    camp counselor hippy bullshit from a white bread suburban kid who found the outdoors peaceful>


    • Like 8
    • Confused 1
  4. Several members of my family are. They have been reading up on efficacy numbers a lot since the CDC announcement. 

    Hmm ok nobody in my house cares but actually I was at target yesterday and it was 50% masked. I was like did I miss something?

    • Like 1
  5. How confident are you deep down that your vax can protect you from Delta?

    Did you have the day off today? If not I hope you have some good managers, not much work done on your end except to post here.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

    You mean they're actually trying to do the right thing this time

    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

    idk, they are annoying me since we are trying to close the month and these are large shipments

  7. And it’s not as simple as vaxed/unvaxed, those who have had the virus have antibodies and I would think that doesn’t require vaccination.

    Yeah, if you had it and you don’t get vaxed, makes sense to me.

  8. I have a legitimate question. Why do the vaccinated care so much about the unvaccinated? Especially when the large majority of studies show it’s the vaccinated that are spreading it since they think they’re invincible? Why do they care so much what other people do or don’t do?

    Idk seems like this only happens on this thread and it’s being extrapolated out. I can tell you, I can care less if someone is vax or not.

    • Like 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

    Can't we go back to interesting conversation like we had last night?

    yeah there is a shortage of small pet bedding, had to drive to Cambridge to pick up some Kaytee bedding

    • Haha 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    I meant on this board. Twitter too. 

    oh, got it, yeah but I think it's a science nerd board, ok to discuss if people want to imho.. people get a little carried away but still good discussion most of the time.

  11. 5 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

    Lot of fear that the vax is failing. 

    really? I don't see that many people worried, been to CA, TX, AZ, UT, NV past few weeks.  Hardly any masks and lots of close contact, except at airports.  I think only people worried are on this board lol

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