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Everything posted by josh_4184

  1. Same here for the most part in my area, we rarely lock our house, cars (garage). I do have cameras on my property and a alarm just because I am abundantly cautious. Cameras are nice to for weather and also to check on our dog watchers when we are gone. Never had any problems in the 5 years I have been here but I still realize the world we live in. My area is also a nice spot for snow lovers who also love nice falls, springs (Sometimes) and warm but not hot summers (Upper 70s to low 80s that still average 150-200" a year of snow. I live about 14 miles from main Gaylord and have plenty of property and privacy with lower costs for home ownership and taxes. Fairly close to larger cities (TC/GR) Although Gaylord does seem to be growing at a quite quick pace I suppose that is both good and bad.
  2. Here's a comment below the story: You are very lucky those other riders reported you or you would have died. How far off trail were your sleds or were you stuck in drifts on the trail?
  3. Wow, glad you made it out, did you plan on riding your sled during the blizzard? I went out for about 5 mins and turned around and went home on Sunday, it was nasty, heck even got my sled stuck at the end of my street.
  4. Picked up between 10-12" since yesterday, man what could have been if this thing didn't go over my head. Still pretty decent hit, but the winds were the story. Snow depth back over 30" on the season and that's after the torch and .3 of rain before the front pushed through. Sad thing is I am almost 20" down for snow on the season still at my location. APX is still over 14" under for the year. Been an odd LES year that's for sure as most other locations are over average for the year. Cant complain to bad as we did get a awesome Blizzard and their of certainly way more locations far worse this winter for snow and action. Working from home for a bit longer then need to start the cleanup, should be fun blowing 4-5' drifts!
  5. Wow, been a crazy 5-6 hours so far, pounding snow and 55mph winds, my county has declared a state of emergency (Otsego) all county roads closed. I75 has been closed in both directions. Some of the worst winter weather I have seen since living up here. Picked up about 7" so far, drifts 5-6'. Still no power.
  6. Winds picked up here, only picked up a inch or so, already lost power.
  7. APX issued first blizzard warning for my area in 10 years, kind of surprised it has been that long. Looking at 6-8" plus 55mph winds should be pretty intense tomorrow. Hopefully the freezing rain tonight wont amount to much, power outages could become a serious issue.
  8. Lol at APX, not over anything relevant but did enjoy their humor this morning.
  9. Pretty Rare for APX to be hyping up the weekend storm so soon, especially being 5 days out with such detial, going to be an interesting next couple weeks with the pattern and storm tracks.
  10. I was away on a little trip with the family last week but when got back home was pretty surprised to see how much LES we received last week. I would say average depth is around 36" with other areas well into the 40" around the property. I will admit I had given up on this winter with the early season woes and being almost 35" down on this season but this second half has really been something. Oddly enough i am ready for spring, LES guns are not going to be firing at full anyhow with the growing Ice Pack on the lakes. Looking at the next ferw weeks still looks pretty set in full winter mode for most of the upper Midwest. Edit: Gazing at today's satellite, looks like there is much more open water than this graphic depicts which is not all that uncommon,
  11. Picked up about 10" from the synoptic event, then another 10-12" of LES since early this morning, the lake guns really fired up way more then expected even with APX who was caught off guard. Total snowfall the past two days about 22". Have about 34" OTG atm after settling.
  12. Around 10-12" so far, another 3-4" tonight and some LES tomorrow not a bad synoptic system for my area. Snow depth around 28-30" right now.
  13. Picked up 3-4" so far, now ion the dryslot, should ramp back up later this afternoon through tonight per APX for another 6" or so, then a little LES on the backside.
  14. Looking pretty good for you Bo, seems like the UP has been really cashing in on synoptic events this year. Looks like 8-10 for me with a little LES behind it.
  15. Nice pics Bo, I picked up about 6-7" since yesterday, snowdepth is about 18" or so, we lost about 12" from the torch, if not I would be over 30" OTG. Just not this year, usually hit 35" at least once in a winter but with the torches
  16. Pretty strong band setup last night for a couple hours just north of my location, 2-4" per hour rates per APX, doesn't happen very often in our LES Belts to see that intensity.
  17. Picked up about .15 of ice, then got hammered with LES overnight, picked up about 6", wind was howling but to my surprise did not lose power.
  18. About to get real over in my neck of the woods real quick, .3 -.4 tenths of ice, with 35mph winds then 4-6" LES tonight. Radar lighting up just to my SW, roads going to be horrible by the time I get out of work. Did get my generator gassed up/oiled ready to go.
  19. Welcome to the good life, I love my generator and would not be without one ever again. Going 3 days without power during Christmas with 20 people in your house will change your mind in a hurry. I gassed mine up yesterday as I am little concerned about a .25 of ice with 40 mph winds tomorrow for my area.
  20. Man you guys on Eastern Lakes side are making me want to relocate, I love my area but just don't get the thumping you guys get. I have picked up about 2' this pas week though but not at those rates.
  21. Yea I got it as well but they later clarified more on their twitter feed the concern of not having enough supply of Nat Gas for customers.
  22. Consumers Energy sounds pretty serious for those with Natural Gas.
  23. I was pretty surprised to see that as well, my geothermal system I installed this past fall sure has been paying for itself in spades so far this past month.
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