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Posts posted by forkyfork

  1. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Dews said:

    What is all this year without a summer mumbo jumbo and etc....this is not a Debbie thread. Let Ginx start his own...

    it's an april tradition on this board

  2. 5 hours ago, bluewave said:

    This year so far is as far away as you can get to the historic Plains drought of 2011 to 2013. Epic fire hose Pacific Jet and historic flash flooding in the Plains. 


    The latest #Drought Monitor shows only 4.78 percent of the contiguous U.S. experiencing moderate drought conditions (D1-D4) or worse. That marks the second-lowest percent of the area to experience drought since the beginning of 2000. Explore the data here:

    another dewpoint summer on the way. lock it in

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  3. 3 hours ago, bluewave said:

    Any drop in the AMO may get muted by all the warm water off the East Coast. So we could continue to see more tropical activity even if the official AMO index goes more neutral or even negative. Just look at what a high impact season we had last year with Florence and Michael and a more neutral AMO than 2017.



    looks like a gulf stream slowdown to me

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  4. 26 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    If you have to worry about sun angle, then it isn’t a big enough snowstorm. We had no problem accumulating midday 4-6-82 with temperatures in the mid 20’s. We mostly have fewer 12” events after 3-15 around the area due to the quickly rising mean temperatures.

    corollary: the time of year won't help with a marginal airmass. see january 2008

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  5. 3 hours ago, weatherpruf said:

    The day that will live in infamy; cost a Philly met his job IIRC. Still takes the cake for biggest bust of all time here and we've had many; getting 5-10 in recent years when you expected 2 feet is a bust, sure; getting the dusting of sleet we had out here over two days is in a class by itself.

    had the phase worked out properly nyc would have gotten 30+

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