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About Radtechwxman

  • Birthday 10/16/1988

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Peoria, IL
  • Interests
    Storm chasing and all kinds of severe weather :) but tornadoes are my favorite

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  1. Satellite has really improved last few scans. Beryl has been a remarkable hurricane. Inner core has really reorganized again.
  2. I think would have been different story if they had flown a mission hours ago. I think they might have just missed the peak of Beryl. Regardless still an absolute monster for July.
  3. It's too bad hurricane hunters won't be in there till later because I think Beryl is probably peaking now and would love to see data. Have a feeling by time they get there we will be past the peak. Wouldn't be shocked if Beryl is cat 5 now.
  4. This thread is dead for such a potential significant day tomorrow
  5. Man models not wanting to pop anything Sat. Very perplexed by this.
  6. Really unsure where to target today. Part of me wants to get on the storms near low before they line out but afraid they may get undercut. Part of me is afraid something will go east along a remnant boundary and shear vector orientation and hodograph curvature is better east. Tricky forecast today
  7. I agree. But the 30% area will likely need one from evolving qlcs. And hatched area will be needed further west for tornado threat near sfc low and large hail threat with initial discrete supercells.
  8. Same. Enhanced days are significant weather days so going to have a hatched area definitely for wind and probably tornadoes. Makes 0 sense.
  9. I do agree it is a very impressive shortwave and definitely bares some resemblance to 4-26-24. However, what are your thoughts on shear vector orientation to initiating boundary? Seemed like there was a less than 45 degree component esp to west but more orthogonal to the east. If you get a prefrontal trough could be a bigger tornado threat but wondering if storms fire off DL/pacific front if they will be more of a mixed mode of lines and embedded sups.
  10. That's what I was thinking. Tight couplet. Thanks
  11. Huge debris fallout. Wow. That likely inflicted a good amount of damage in town.
  12. Damaging tornado about to come into Grand Blanc. Wrapped up fast
  13. You're pushing it just a bit man. Far from a violent tornado signature. But definitely a damaging tornado at night which is still dangerous regardless.
  14. There's no confirmation and no current debris signature. Impressive cell though with strong rotation.
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