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Everything posted by Cyclone-68

  1. I got some gusty rain showers from Belle in ‘76 and lost a tree in Gloria. That concludes my tale of mayhem
  2. NWS already mentioning a possible “PRE” up here midweek
  3. Has DisneyWorld been directly threatened by a storm of this magnitude in recent memory?
  4. If Dorian does that to Florida, I hope at least he buys her dinner first
  5. Looks like Florida has a big ol bullseye on it
  6. I guess we have our new headlining news story for the holiday weekend in any case
  7. Is tonight’s rain considered a “pre” because of the TS down the coast?
  8. Disappointing week of t-storms around here. I hope that’s not the last shot before fall kicks in
  9. That might be the most impressive storm that far north I’ve ever seen or heard about
  10. Latest NWS discussion at 10:30am for Boston seems fairly gung ho for this afternoon
  11. Wow that Chantal development must be a bit of a surprise given the percentages and it’s latitude?
  12. You have to figure something has got to develop based on climatology within a few weeks and if the trough is primed, maybe interesting things will happen?
  13. Will this be a deal where we want to see as much sun as we can early in the day to maximize potential?
  14. That squall line in Ohio looks like it has a ton of lightning with it
  15. 53-55.. those were some fun years
  16. Has this been a historically slow season so far or am I perceiving things wrong? I mean not even a low probability hatched area on the five day outlook for days at a time?
  17. We better at least get a tropical system to follow soon
  18. Looks like they moved the severe even further south than yesterday..Now in the south mid Atlantic?
  19. We got a warning about 1:30am but outside of some flashes and very heavy rain, as Coastal said, no big deal
  20. Oh that would be lovely. I’d sacrifice sleep to have a night like that
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