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Posts posted by Cyclone-68

  1. 27 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    There's an interesting internal "policy" storm and political upset on the radar over in Russia.   

    List of Russian municipal deputies calling for Putin’s resignation grows to nearly 50, local official says

    From CNN's Uliana Pavlova

    Nearly 50 municipal deputies have now signed a petition demanding the resignation of President Vladimir Putin, 29 more than on Monday, according to one of those involved.

    ...Thing is, everything I've read about the last 30 years of history over behind those 'geodesic boundaries'  ( whatever in the f they are, geesh) ...is that the higher echelon of the governing body is essentially formulated of a veritable "kakistrocracy"  - it may be a bit strong to say that, but lacking a better word.  Relative to the future ...and being on the "right side of history," that is more likely the case, however.    Anyway, it's not clear how that power structure is really even capable of ceding control - certainly not in any context of failure.  That would be a neat trick for a demagogue with some form of function psychotic prominence disorder ... Good luck.   

    It's gonna be a interesting autumn for Russia ... perhaps literally.   Is there ...or perhaps "can there be," more apropos, any exit strategy in that psychosis?   

    My forecast:  expect some more mysterious skyscraper deaths soon 

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