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Everything posted by Allsnow

  1. It’s just one of those winter where is doesn’t want to get cold In the east. So where does that leave you? Try and root for one storm to hit the area.
  2. PAC jet just won’t quit…it’s either congrats msp or ots
  3. CMC and gfs both with a huge flooding event next weekend
  4. We were not in the cold phases this past December
  5. How have the normal temps worked this week?
  6. Nobody is saying that…..but with a strong polar vortex it seems that it won’t matter that the mjo is in the cold phases. IMO too much is made of the cold phases of the mjo. Lately we haven’t been cold when they have been in the ideal phases.
  7. Welcome back! What. Winter a winter for you!
  8. The gefs r not completely different in that timeframe Currently
  9. This isn’t exactly just a warm pattern for NC……
  10. Ticks r really bad currently
  11. The warmth is coming back
  12. Msp gets crushed again on the euro
  13. Not an inch of snow through day 7.
  14. Ensembles hinting at more record warmth around the 20th!!! Might be the warmest January on record
  15. It has been so bad this year that only a few even care what it shows
  16. When doesn’t the gfs have that?
  17. You’re still in the denial phases…11-15 day has the tpv bleeding into Ak…ugly
  18. Going to hit 70 with no problem. This winter is over after a 2 day artic blast.
  19. Haha. Nope. 70 tomorrow so that should feel nice
  20. It’s all we got this winter…..
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