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Posts posted by weathermedic

  1. From OKX AFD:

    Have converted all winter weather watches to warnings,
    and issued a winter weather advisory for Orange County, NY with all
    this in mind. In addition, have elected to hold off on any blizzard
    headlines at this time for eastern LI and southern CT, the areas
    that are most likely to meet blizzard criteria. Given the increased
    forecast confidence in only these latest runs, would prefer one more
    cycle for that upgrade. Regardless, near blizzard conditions are
    possible for eastern LI and southern CT for a period on Saturday
    afternoon with this system.
    Winds will also be an issue as the system nears the area as strong
    northeast flow dominates as the system deepens in our vicinity. Gusts
    to 35-45 mph are likely for a period Saturday afternoon, especially
    for the coastal areas, where occasionally higher gusts are possible.
    So near blizzard conditions are possible, especially near the coast,
    where winds/gusts will be most frequent.
    • Like 2
  2. Latest 1AM OKX AFD:

    The latest surface obs and dual pol indicate snow/wintry mix 
    has changed to rain for NYC/NJ metro and coast, with transition
    expected to work north through the interior overnight as 
    increasing E-SE flow should overwhelm any linger colder air, 
    taking until perhaps 3 to 4 am across Orange County. 
    Some locations received just under an inch before the snow 
    changed to rain in portions of the NYC metro and CT coast.
    Seeing as much as 3 inches across interior portions of the Lower
    Hudson Valley based on NYC mesonet, with snowfall rates
    exceeding 1" hr. Most areas north of I-287 and the Merritt Pkwy
    will see at least 2 to 3 inches of snow accumulation plus a 
    light glaze of ice, with Orange and W Passaic seeing as much as 
    4-6 inches of snow especially in the higher elevations, and a
    few hundredths of an inch of ice.
    A very tight pres gradient between the sfc low and retreating 
    high pressure out over the Atlantic, and strong upper 
    divergence/lift ahead of a negatively-tilted closed low lifting 
    through the Mid Atlantic region, will produce a band of strong
    winds and heavy rain between 2 am and 7am from SW to NE. Cant 
    rule out some embedded thunder for LI as well, as noted off the
    S Jersey coast, as of 1am. E Long Island and coastal SE CT 
    should see a pd of sustained winds 40-45 mph with gusts 60-65 
    mph, with areas to the west (mainly coastal SW CT, western Long 
    Island, and NYC) seeing winds just shy of those values, 
    sustained 25-35 mph with gusts 45-55 mph. 
    Temps overnight should rise to the upper 40s in the NYC metro 
    area and along the coast, and to the upper 30s/lower 40s inland,
    except lower to mid 30s far NW areas.
  3. Ground colder and longer duration in the city than last Wednesday. Only difference might be if the precip starts later than last Wed which may give the coast time to get air temps above freezing. Although ground temps will take a while longer. Other difference is that it’s a Sunday morning and should have much less traffic on the roads. One final thing, most NYC roads are full of salt since sanitation was salting yesterday for hours after the snow stopped.

  4. 54 minutes ago, lee59 said:

    The areas of black top and concrete must still be fairly mild in temperature as they seem to have about half of what is on car tops and grass.

    Temp was 35 degrees at my house last night before the snow started so ground temps were above freezing, hence the much higher accumulations on the colder surfaces. Had 6-7 inches on the cars, picnic table, etc but only about 3-4 inches on the sidewalk/driveway. 

    • Like 3
  5. 31 minutes ago, Amped said:

    They don't have to.  They're just going to be really sorry if they don't issue them for I95 and the city.

    The majority of the general public does not know the difference between a winter weather advisory and a winter storm warning. All they hear is "snow is coming" It matters to weather buffs like us :rolleyes:

    • Like 3
  6. Latest OKX AFD:

    The 12Z NAM, GFS, and ECMWF are all in good agreement with the track 
    and timing of low pres tracking se of the benchmark Thu ngt into 
    Fri. This would produce a 1-3 inch snowfall west and 2-4 inches 
    east. The fcst follows this thinking. 
    The overall model trend has been east with the sys, so it would not 
    be surprising to see a further ewd trend in future model runs. Any 
    trend w would produce more snow. Because of the trend, and current 
    snow totals blw advy criteria in many places, will not issue an advy 
    with this fcst. The snowfall potential will continue to be 
    highlighted in the hwo and idss briefing products.
    Most of the snow will occur late Thu ngt into Fri mrng, which will 
    impact the mrng commute.
    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, MJO812 said:

    The  little low today is ruining the storm. Suppressing the heights.

    Nice storm for SNJ and parts of the Mid Atlantic 

    For our area, 1-3 inches is a good call unless the models trend favorable tonight and tomorrow. 

    Agreed. Main moisture transport is well out in the Atlantic (GFS) plus it's a quick mover.

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