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Everything posted by CNY_WX

  1. I don’t want to jinx things and I know it’s just a matter of time until I change over but right now I’m still mainly icy snow. Correlation coefficient shows the mix just to my south and at least temporarily stalling.
  2. There’s been some bad games in the playoffs so far but this is the worst. Steelers defense looks like it want to go home.
  3. Isn’t Jamestown the only observation station in the southwest part of the state.
  4. I’ve officially got a dusting, anything from here on is icing on the cake.
  5. Jamestown is reporting -SN 1 mile visibility. Edit, now 3/4 mile visibility.
  6. Holy crap and I thought mine was a monster. You can probably throw snow over your neighbor’s house. I thought that was stainless steel. My father worked as a sheet metal cutter mostly cutting stainless steel for dairy storage tanks. Way back in the day his employer let them make things out of stainless scraps. He made things from ash trays to a Christmas tree stand, a desk for my younger sister and probably the only stainless steel Christmas manger in the world. Those modifications probably added 50 lbs to your blower.
  7. I have a relatively new monster Toro snowblower that I haven’t had much opportunity to use in the 2 years I’ve had it. I might get the chance to see how it handles sleet after this storm.
  8. A deck of what looks like alto cumulus moved in in the last hour. You can see the thicker clouds to the south. Wolfie’s moon, the full wolf moon, is tonight.
  9. Practicing the slant stick method of measurement Rochester is know for.
  10. Verification at KSYR: first pingers 4:45 AM. Dryslot 6:13 AM to 9:53 AM. What’s the prize?
  11. Are you trying to steal my snow, lol. You’re almost to Detroit!
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