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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Just drove 15 from Dillsburg to Gettysburg and it was pouring and dropped to 51 degrees from the previous high of 63 in this area. Estimated rain/radar does really peter out East of the river. .6 back at the house.
  2. In Etters today....guesstimate about half inch here with most coming in a 30 min downpour
  3. I have not noticed much difference in farmers this way but like I had mentioned before, our trees are just now starting to bloom (Maple/Oak). I was down in Hagerstown yesterday and trees were much more full. It is dry here as well but that seems destined to change dramatically over the next 7-10 days. I may try to sneak my second mow in early next week.
  4. GFS, CMC and Euro all advertise a very wet week with the Euro in particular showing a low tucking and retrograding from Fri-Mon....moving South down the coast of the US. Euro QPF.
  5. Nam and HRRR going for 1/2"-3/4" of rain here today. A bit less toward the central LSV. Temps peak out this Am and retreat this afternoon (modeled).
  6. Wow. 64 high yesterday and 43 this AM here. Such a difference. It was chilly most of the day yesterday. We have only had a handful of days in the 70's since the start of the year. Seems like my coldest spring since moving back. Unfortunately coldest equals normal. Other springs were warm. MDT finished the month at a negative departure of 1.9 degrees.
  7. Bit of a squall line running through the southern lsv and northern MD tomorrow afternoon...on the Hrrr.
  8. Two of those days, all the normal meso's had you get 32-34. They were wrong for most of the lsv.
  9. Well I think you are definitely in a Micro-Climate like location (as am I, my temp is not indicative of the Waynesboro area due to elevation). The official NWS recording station should be at a location that is more smoothed for the area. With that said, your changes were no where near as dramatic as THV. You had a 7 degree difference in an hour. Wind mixing temps like you suggested. They had a 9 degree difference in 20 min. Chinook worthy? Your humidity dropped 20%, theirs dropped 35%. I am not questioning the temps being real I am suggesting the sensors for THV are not indicative of the area as a whole and they are artificially lowered by a micro-climate. What do they do about it? Outside my pay. Someone could have a large property with temp differences of 5-10 degrees if there are hills and a calm night so placing the therm. at the bottom of the hills shows artificially induced temps that the majority of the area will not realize. Weather fun.
  10. Good call by @Superstorm. It did not get to freezing but the coldest mdt temp was on the morning he said it would be.
  11. NWS Site questions at York/THV. Wind shift can certainly change a temp but changing 9 degrees in 20 min suggest the instruments are not situated properly to obtain the actual temp of an area. Similar to placing a traditional home thermometer in a sunny location can cause inflated readings that go down with cloud cover, placing one it is an artificially/micro-climate cooled location can produce readings that are too low. It has always been known that the THV monitor was not accurate for the surrounding area (stated several times in NWS AFD's over the years) but this is a nice piece of evidence in that an east wind raised the temp to the actual correct reading of mid 40's. When the East component of the wind stopped, the temp went right back down. I checked for any Allegiant flights that may have been forced to land at York and did not find any records of a plane going off the end of the runway so probably not plane induced. Maybe the Morningstar (now called Morning Sun I believe) Flea Market started up their funnel cake fryers around this time. They are just East of the airport.
  12. Yea, lots of tough decisions in life. The trend of both adult members of a "Nuclear Family" working make the decisions even harder. People want to live the good life but it takes two salaries for many to have a shot at it...then becomes an issue when someone needs taken care of at home. He would probably be thrilled to see he is being remembered by you.
  13. Wow, that is a tough haul you had to deal with. Sometimes "life" really makes you question things and seeing beyond the negative side is tough. I bet it was also hard to adjust back to a norm once you did not take care of him anymore.
  14. I think Voyager is still working on his strongly worded letter to MU. MU has gone from Dr. No to Mr. "keep the coat handy". Though Voyager did reveal some serious decisions he needs to make so I do not at all envy the position he is in.
  15. You are posting your temp on a Sat Am. Guess I should not even look at the LR GFS? 36 for low here.
  16. I have been trying to pick up the spirits of the sixer fans here tonight. Does that count?
  17. True but harden can be an MVP level player. This is hardens chance.
  18. It makes them a more dynamic offense vsm playing into biid so often. Somewhat ironically, the trade for harden really pays off now as to going into the series. Harden, Tobias and maxey can score.
  19. I am sorry, that is terrible news. But, I would not give up. If Maxey plays special, and Harden "takes command" the sixers can still win.
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