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Everything posted by 96blizz

  1. I think the GFS won’t pick up on some of the lake enhanced the way the Meso models will. Great run for GFS regardless.
  2. It’s a decent thump to sleet/snizzle to high ratio, wind blown snow for us. Gonna be fun!
  3. Then explain the snow output on the model wolfie. Stop messing with my fantasy. Lol
  4. Yeah I realized that after I complained. Boner worthy model snow. The eastern crew takes.
  5. Does f*cking Onondaga county have to be covered in pink splotches on every model? Sheesh.
  6. And colder. I’m not sure who mentioned it earlier this AM but are we starting to see dynamic cooling? RGEM too.
  7. It’s likely unavoidable at this point but the further the low tracks south and east the more likelihood that the dry slot and mixing is limited. we look to get some fantastic up front and back side snows - of different kinds. Take a nap during the dry slot!
  8. Obviously not the best model and range but there would be plenty more after. minimal mixing on that run as well.
  9. This is from the Euro 0z output. Turned it sideways when I realized it looked exactly like Keuka Lake. Therefore, I am calling a northern Keuka Lake jackpot. Good luck all!
  10. I looked. It was an “if statement.” We will find out in the next 15 or so.
  11. I will die on the hill of SE ticks from here forward. I’ve seen this movie many, many times. …plus, if I’m wrong, who cares? It’s just weather!
  12. Definitely. And I know it’s not a Meso model but it seems to show that dry slotting is more of an issue for eastern areas than P type with that track. RGEM was a smidge better too. Still an entire day of tracking ahead of a very complex situation. Should be fun! -6 in Skaneateles right now!
  13. Hey, it’s better than the wind driven rain many are likely to see!!
  14. I really feel like the best shot many to the East have is that backside. Almost all models have it. Still time…
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