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Everything posted by strongwxnc

  1. Matt, same idea as you head west on 74 back into Cleveland and Rutherford? .
  2. Here is the thoughts of Scotty Powell with the foothills weather network They do a good job in our area. .
  3. It’s the absolute worst outside tonight. 38° with heavy rain. Also my elementary school does an afterschool program, and we just dismissed. Kids on a bus in the dark in the rain. Not fun. .
  4. 35 with.79” of rain that’s not snow .
  5. Yup. I had the alert pop up and loaded the radar to see something incoming over here in Forest City. LOL (Best winter ever)
  6. Thinking I will opening my pool today. I could use the rain that is coming to add water back to it. Why Not....
  7. Yup. But, got to know when to fold them. Maybe not just yet though. .
  8. Nothing like 5 days of rain in February. [emoji3517] .
  9. Ended up with .76” melted At 2.75” .
  10. Awesome Jason! Nothing beats running in the snow. I’m sidelined for a Month or I would have drove up to black mountain this weekend for some action on the trails! .
  11. Absolutely. I decided to go to sleep at 10 PM last night so I can get up this morning :-). Perfect sledding weather and snowman making! .
  12. 2.5” and also the biggest since 18. .
  13. Morning Jeb walk netted three very large cedar limbs down near my horse paddock. Which works for me as they needed to come down. This was a super wet system. Had right at .1 before the complete change over. I’ll push out my large rain gauge today to get an exact amount. .
  14. 2.5" total here with lite FR rain now. This was the heaviest snow I have seen in a while. Locations just to my south reporting 3.5-4".
  15. 2.5" total looks like some lite Freezing rain out now
  16. YES! The flake size has got smaller here but the returns are not as strong.
  17. Closing in on 2". After it dropped to 34.5 is changed to all snow and it has been hammering for about 2 hours.
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