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Damage In Tolland

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Posts posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. 1 hour ago, Typhoon Tip said:


    Yup, days are shorter and leaves may as well be changing...   No sense in even thinking about Summer on July 5.  In fact, why even bother with summer?  Shyt, should just leaf right out into colors, huh - because hell ...Halloween's a done deal ... 


    'Cept there's 108 days of heat potential left...and plenty of evenings where it's still light after 7 pm too -


    No matter how you'all spin it ... summer is not half over.   Enjoy the long days and mild to warm to hot weather depending.  If you need to invent sandboxes with words so you can bury your heads in a fantasy,  ...that's that Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder talking.  It just sounds weird when posts offer up, "Yep, its already getting dark earlier" on July 5 - haha.  Of course it is...  June 22nd gets dark sooner than June 21...  But, Dec 22nd gets dark later than Dec 21... You're still in summer!

    It's a real condition by the way ...anti-S.A.D...  This kind of weird posting spin tactic exposes the return users in here that really should just relocate to Barrow Alaska.  Then you won't have to annex a weather forum for your season support group -

    Just bustin' balz...  I can sense a little dimming in the evening seriously, ...there's a long haul.  We know you want winter 365 days of the year but unnnfortunately, this is the wrong latitude for that. 

    There's maybe 2-3 posters here that don't like summer and summer type wx. Everyone else very much enjoy it 

  2. 3 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

    By the time it hits it will be close to mid-July when posts will begin about folks first noticing the later sunrise/set.

    Well no one posts about that except you to yourself 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    I hear ya -

    Speak of the devil ... he may get waaay more than he bargained for mid month +

    This looks one hell of a humid month. I mean many ER's jammed with ballz surgically removed from legs type stuff. Hope folks are ready for the massive , extended dew assault 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    i've noticed a distinct 'pattern of posting behavior' that's gotten somewhat predictable between you and Steve -vs- Kevin in this on-going web banter over summer weather. 

    whenever the Euro comes out at 00z and may happen to have a hottish look in the late middle/ext range, invariably there is a post like this awaiting in the morning that extols the celebratory virtue of the muted summer of cool low humidity... :) 

    funny - it's like you are anticipating Kevin's rage and trying to cut if off at the pass hahahaha

    Yeah they just ignored the Euro backing off any real cooling days 6-10. Was a pretty warm, Dewey run

  5. Starting to get into a dry pattern the next 7-14 days. Not much in the way of precipitation except a few showers maybe Friday afternoon. Hopefully Scooter has sprinklers

  6. 11 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    I don't see heat at all. Big time troughing leads to alternative warm and cool. looks neat normal

    Gibbs told you there's a 3 day 90+ and dews coming Thursday- Sat then storms 

  7. 4 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    We may have a sneaky 89.7 degree heat wave underway for northern Orh, Middls, and S NH typicals  ...   It's a long shot, but I'm noticing the Euro and NAM have backed off the what feeble CAA there is behind that front tomorrow night and may Sunday may trend toward the upper 80s.    We've already popped 90 today, and probably will tomorrow...  

    Hell, there's nothing else to follow - 

    Also, the Euro's got a low grade heat wave out there in the late middle/ext range - it's had this for a couple of cycles now, with hints prior to that; so it's trending.  The GFS has heights that would support, but engineers curvatures that prevent -weird.  It carries full-bird troughing through 585 DM heights ... We've had temps near 100 at 582 in the past...  I swear ...NOAA must've parameterized that model to hide hot periods...  

    All those folks that thought a long BN period was coming..oops

  8. 10 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    How far away from a heat wave can we go to end the month? Epic twitter met fail. COCadoodledewless 



    The dailies on that look are 2-3 days of south flow and dews then a fropa. Rinse repeat. Trough axis Lakes will do that. But no extended heat agreed. 

  9. Every time models show sustained cooling,,,they back off.. Today's runs show normal for a day or 2 back to humid and warm for a few days like we see currently..then another front..No high heat thru month end..but quite a bit of high dews, severe risks, and then a day or 2 of low 80's and dry. Pretty warm signal all told

  10. 26 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

    Gorgeous morning at the Pit.  Dropped down to 57.4* overnight with bright sun and a breeze to start the day.  Up to 61.4* now with a p/c of 74* on tap.


    We COC.


    Is there any shot at sun in the midst of the weekend showers?  I'm going to be up in Maine--will suck to be stuck in crap the whole time.

    Weekend is mainly dry. Just humid

  11. 8 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Looks like some 70s too.  Don't forget to mention that!

    Well some people see trough and think it means 50's and 60's lol. Like May 

  12. 11 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Nice and cool here. And next week looks like the trough returns. Heat is done for now except Sunday.

    Yeah lots of low 80's next week. Looks nice and warm and sunny. No heat 

  13. 6 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Tomorrow and Thursday are not quite the cool down they looked like.  Sure, dp's will be lower but my NWS p/c forecast for both days is 3- 4° higher than it was yesterday. 


    6 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Tomorrow and Thursday are not quite the cool down they looked like.  Sure, dp's will be lower but my NWS p/c forecast for both days is 3- 4° higher than it was yesterday. 

    We warned a few posters over the weekend that it wouldn't be in the low 70's. Never had a really cool look. Just cooler with lower dews until dews approach and exceed 70 over the weekend

  14. 14 minutes ago, West Mtn NY said:

    No mention of the low 70s offset to follow Wed thru Friday? Not exactly deep summer yet


    14 minutes ago, West Mtn NY said:

    No mention of the low 70s offset to follow Wed thru Friday? Not exactly deep summer yet

    Low 70's? Maybe in the Green Mtns. Rest of us it's 77-82 for 2 days before humidity returns . I certainly wouldn't be going by any point and click forecast IMO

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