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Damage In Tolland

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Posts posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. 6 hours ago, OceanStWx said:

    Showed the 240 hour Euro Kuchera output without comment. Just a map and silence for the 2 minute weather segment.






    But it does give Kevin his first flakes before All Hallows' Eve. :ph34r:

    Let’s throw down a nice 4-8” mantle of snow for Helloween. Tear a few things down too and keep the eggers off the streets 

  2. 12 hours ago, backedgeapproaching said:

    Looks good, but most lawns look really green mid Oct I would think, I don't consider mid Oct very late in the season lawn wise, even with a non torch fall.

    Now, 2015 I consider  this late --this was Xmas morning in VT, we pray that never happens again..ha




    I recall some green that winter, but I don’t recall lawns looking like late May in mid October other years. Especially in shady, wooded areas. The warm , humid fall has kept the grass growing and green well into the fall

  3. Just now, ORH_wxman said:

    I have found the opposite....warm ENSO is back-loaded usually, though not always (1997-1998 basically ended after MLK day).


    But typically our biggest January/Februarys have been in El Nino while our biggest Decembers have been in La Nina.

    Some recent Warm ENSO:

    2015-2016: Garbage winter, but late January into earl February was easily the best period...we narrowly missed the epic Mid-Atlantic blizzard only getting grzed by it on 1/22/16. Warmest December on record.

    2014-2015: Most epic 3 week period on record for SNE last week of January into mid-February....'nuf said. Mild and relatively snowless December.

    2009-2010: This may be an exception...though probably by dumb luck. Winter really went south in SNE after the New Years weekend retro-storm....but we narrowly missed KU after KU in Februaryas the pattern was extremely favorable for big storms that month.

    2006-2007: Another garbage winter, but it finally started the last week of January. We had the epic sleet/snow storm on Vday 2007 which gave some of NNE 2+ feet. February was very cold as well around 7F below normal. Top 3 warmest December on record.

    2004-2005: Best period was late January 2005 which included the KU event and also several sub-zero cold nights. March 2005 was also a big month.

    2002-2003: February 2003 was Boston's snowiest February on record until 2015 unseated it. Not coincidentally, the previous snowiest February on record had also been El Nino in the winter of 1968-1969.  Also Jan/Feb were top 5 coldest at BOS.

    1997-1998: Super Nino....bad winter overall but it bucked the trend....December was near normal temps with the big 12/23/97 surprise that dumped 20" in the 495 belt. Had the epic NNE ice storm in early Jan 1998 and then a couple moderate snowstorms for NE (esp pike north) in mid-January.....then winter was largely over.

    1994-1995: Terrible winter. Warm snowless Dec/Jan....but pattern finally flipped in February and we had our one big event on 2/4/95. February came in very cold too.

    1991-1992: Another El Nino that bucked the trend...December was not too warm and had a few snow events (esp interior)....Jan/Feb were mostly warm and low snow. March did get cold and we saw a few snow events. Pinatubo probably greatly affected this winter as it was just 6 monthsafter the eruption.

    1986-1987: January 1987 was one of the snowiest months on record for interior SNE...February was pretty decent too. Dec '86 was awful.

    1982-1983: Dec '82 warm and snowless, but late January to mid Feb 1983 was cold and snowy....biggest event of the season was 2/11-12/83.

    1977-1978: Late Jan '78 through early Feb '78....'nuf said.

    1976-1977: This one was kind of just frigid the entire time....Jan '77 was the snowiest month, but the best event near BOS might have actually been 12/29/76....a stripe of 18" snow near Rt 128 on a late bloomer....quickly diminished to the west....even ORH only had 4 inches. It is one of Ray's favorite storms he wish he was alive for.

    Did you just type all that out now from sheer memory ?

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