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Damage In Tolland

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Posts posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. 13 minutes ago, CTValleySnowMan said:

    There was a cold front 


    There was a cold front passage with a swath of lighter snows in parts of CT but more importantly a deep cold air mass in place just prior to snowtober, it was not a marginal or retreating high pressure. we were locked in.  You guys need to look stuff up.  In general the event was highly unexpected but when we got closer it was very clear there was some impressive cold coming in just before the storm.  

    Lol.. you just can’t make  that stuff up . Good call .. It was a very chilly week leading up to the storm .

  2. 3 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    Yeah and I won't lie, as I've gotten older I haven't come to enjoy HHH but what Ive noticed is that I enjoy milder weather in the fall/spring.  Like right now it's been interesting this week with the light dustings of snow but I know I'd enjoy 70F and sun if we had that.  Also my passion for brutal winter cold isn't there anymore, just needs to be cold enough to snow.

    And yeah smart phones have changed the forum... I used to be good for like 2-3 well thought-out posts a day.  Now might as well drive-by post while I wait for the wife to pick out spices at the supermarket, lol.


    Even at work .. I know most of us here use our phones to browse and post . Other than someone who still has a flip phone and Dell tower pC on the floor , it’s the world we live in. No one is sitting at home with a laptop on their lap , watching it rise when the Euro comes out with feet of snow and lower when the GFS  is OTS 

  3. 9 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    Luckily through all the societal changes, your posting style has remained the same since day one (except for liking cold weather in the summer).  We all need some consistency, you were just ahead of the curve back then ;).

    I have def changed and adapted to the needs and uses of the board over the years. As the board has become a social media extension to 95% of the posters, I have adapted. Just as you have . As I’ve grown older, I have learned to like and enjoy HHH wx more and more. I won’t deny that . 

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  4. 1 hour ago, weathafella said:

    This is true.  I used to use a computer to post.  Now it’s a phone.  There’s a limit to how much you can post typing with your thumbs.  Don’t get me wrong, I miss the days of long strongly researched posts coming from me.  But things change in life and we’re all rolling with it.

    Other than work .. does anyone use computers anymore? Even laptops have become somewhat obsolete other than work . Life is about change. The board has changed because the world and society change and are changing daily . And what’s noticeable on here is the few folks (not you obviously)that refuse to adapt and change and join social media.. struggle at times here . 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    He still has Dover NH as his location so don't think so. Maybe. 


    Anyways, def some weenies flying through the air on a D7 storm. The signal for something is def there but i prob won't really look at this storm for another couple days. 

    Do you happen to recall lead time wise .. how long did it look like Oct 2011 would snow like it did? I’ll never forget your post that storm ..”you pretty much have to predict a major snowstorm “ like a day or two in advance . Scooter said 925’s were colder in that one than the ones currently modeled .


  6. Just now, ORH_wxman said:

    Yeah it could be right but I've got my eye on it. If it is correct, it's literally the worst sited station in SNE. 

    I'm going to make sure I note the daytime temps there in a homogenous system such as an overrunning precip event...one where there is no chance downsloping, coastal fronts, or radiational cooling can affect it. If it runs like 2F warmer than a place like ASH or BED, then it will be obvious. 

    One eyed Willie?

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