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Posts posted by wxmanmitch

  1. 0.21", but it gives the grass a needed drink. The water table is still high, so I don't want/need much.

    Dew point topped out at a whopping 74° F around noon today, which has to be pretty rare for this location. Total misery. I got a brief taste of what DC points south are like the whole summer.

  2. Still no 80° F here with a max of 78.7° F. My Davis is in full sun until around 3 PM too, although with the FARS there's not a big difference between what it reports in the shade vs. sun. 

    We may have some upper level cloud junk around tomorrow, so we may not do it tomorrow either. We'll see.

  3. Wow...can't believe it's July already. Where's the time going? We're one step closer to winter.

    Comfortable day today, but the tough weather is just around the corner. It's coming, like it or not. July and August can be difficult months for me weatherwise and have me longing for that glorious, but dark, rainy November day where the street lights come on in the middle of the afternoon. Those types of days are the prelude to the greatest season...

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  4. 14 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

    Is that 3' away from your window?emoji16.png



    13 hours ago, MaineJayhawk said:

    The OPEN window no less 

    I don't think that window will be open if it's cold enough to be running the pellet stove. ;)

    13 hours ago, BrianW said:

    Does not look like that it is up to code. You need 4ft of clearance I believe to a window.

    Did you pull a permit and get it inspected? Does your insurance company know? They will  most likely want to see the permit/town inspection.

    If you did none of the above and that causes a fire you can be guaranteed your insurance is going to fight not covering that loss.

    No permit was needed, but I will let insurance know. Installers followed code. They weren't aware of anything pertaining to vent distance from window. Stove had to be a certain distance from walls and couldn't be vented under the porch. It's about 3 feet away.

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  5. We install...a pellet stove. To make a long story short, I was going to do a wood stove, but I didn't want a metal chimney on the outside wall of the front of my house. Going through the roof wasn't an option because I have a double roof as I have a roof over a roof because of my front porch. The double porch roof is over my living room. Pellet stove just vents through the wall. 

    Don't need AC here. Likely never will. 77.6° F high today. Indoor temperature at 70° F.





  6. 1.34" through the tipper today. Quite a good soaking, but not enough to cause problems.

    Meanwhile everything is so beautiful after a fresh rainfall at the height of the green season. I stopped at the peat sphagnum bog a short walk from the house. It looks solid, but I wouldn't dare walk on it. I bet those dwarf red spruces are a lot older than their size would suggest.





  7. On 6/23/2019 at 10:06 PM, dendrite said:

    The Woodford RAWS was 75° today...so 3° higher than your 72°. They hit 92° on 7/22/2011 so maybe that would’ve been 87-89° at your place? 90° has to be damn near impossible.

    They seem to be a little warmer quite often on sunny days. I wonder if the FARS in my Davis VP2 is responsible for the lower readings? 

    In general I have smaller diurnal ranges than Woodford though as they will radiate a little better. 

  8. 72° F high today. Still haven't hit 80° F here. In fact, the highest reading so far is 75° F back on May 19th. 

    It would be awesome to go the entire summer without reaching 80° F. I doubt that happens, but it pretty much takes an act of God to get it to 85+° F here. 

    Sprinkler is running on the new grass. I haven't had a significant rain since last Sunday and the top couple inches of the dirt is beginning to get dry. 

  9. Perfect weather for growing grass coming up with the rainy, cool weather incoming. I've been patching up and thickening my hillbilly lawn as much as I can to make it more presentable on the dry days. 

    The trifecta of blood sucking insects has been trying to get a meal out of me the whole time though. Black flies and mosquitoes in the shade, deer flies in the sun. There's definitely a bumper crop of them all too. Remarkably not a single tick or gypsy moth caterpillar though. 

  10. It's official, deer fly season has started here. I had a few dive bomb me late this afternoon and I managed to kill one of the bastards. It's still black fly season, and if that's not enough, there's mosquitoes to boot. It's the trifecta of blood sucking insects season now. I don't recall them overlapping as much last year. 

    Deet is useless against the black flies and deer flies, but works against mosquitoes. I got that hat that Dendrite recommended from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XXJBLRJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, so it helps keep the little buggers off my face and neck.

    Otherwise, temperatures are comfortable. 71° F high so windows open to warm the house, which was 64° F earlier.



  11. 36.0° F low here off a high of 54.5° F yesterday. The wind and cool weather kept the black flies totally at bay yesterday afternoon. I wouldn't complain at all if the rest of the summer was like this. 

    33° F up in Woodford so they likely had a light frost. They seem to radiate a little better than I do, but I CAD better.

  12. 1 hour ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

    Black flies are pretty much done here.  Mosquitoes will be next.  Deer flies near the middle of June through the end of July    Seasons in seasons

    Good to know. Black flies are absolutely insane here right now. Last year they ran from Mother's Day to Father's Day with the peak around Memorial Day. 

  13. 74.2° F max here. It was warm working outside in the sun, but a robust breeze made it comfortable and kept the black flies at bay for a while before the wind slacked off and they picked up again around 5 PM. No deer flies yet, thank god.

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  14. Heavy, heavy black flies here, and they're starting to bite. It's pretty much impossible to be outside at all and 100% deet is useless against them. They get in your eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. 

    After a cloudy, damp start we torched up to 75° F under partly cloudy skies. Little yellow-green leaves are finally beginning to pop out on the trees.

  15. Black flies are out, but not biting yet. The 31° F and 3+" of snow from Monday night did jack s*** to them. 

    Still no leaf out, but it's getting very close. We are now behind where we were last year. I'd expect it within the next 2-3 days. The bottom of my hill at 1,900' has begun to leaf out, but not here. It's amazing how sensitive leaf out is to elevation. Fall foliage is too, but not nearly as much. 

    • Like 1
  16. 29 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Should be snowing for Mitch.

    It is indeed. 0.7" here so far on the board. 

    Decent snow growth too. Pretty wild for mid May, but it snowed here on Mother's Day in 2017. I wasn't living up here yet, but there were reports of 2-3" of snow that day around here with 8-9" up on the summit of Mt. Snow.




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  17. 83° F/ 77° F here in SW FL off a high of 87° F where I am for the weekend. Absolutely brutal, it's instant sweat on the forehead and sunglasses fogging up when stepping out of the AC into the sauna. Fortunately, I don't think I'll ever experience these kind of dews where I live. 

  18. The 3 km NAM is probably doing 3 km NAM things, but it brings me a bona fide wet snow blizzard for a few hours tomorrow AM starting around 10-11z in the comma head with upslope enhancement. Something to watch, but I'll take the under. Regardless, I think there's a good chance for at least a few flakes around here with maybe a slushy inch or two?  

  19. A one, two punch of snow for here this weekend? We take!

    Backside flip to snow and upslope with storm #1 and then a cold slider on Sunday for storm #2? That would pretty wild if I had snow on snow at this time of year...but then again it happened last year on 4/30. Glad we live here.

    Anyway, the lawn has been raked of winter detritus. No black flies yet FTW. There's a slight hint of green in my grass in the warmer, sunnier spots right up against the house but most of it is still dormant, which is a far cry from the valleys where they are mowing already. Some of the red maples have begun to flower, but most of the trees still look like winter. 


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