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MD Snow

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Posts posted by MD Snow

  1. 14 minutes ago, clskinsfan said:

    The NAO does break down towards the end of the run. But I am encouraged to see it go negative in the early/mid range. This is the closest we have seen it modeled. I will worry about the long range later.

    Weenie post incoming - how many times has the nao been forecasted to go negative in the long range and didn’t verify? Maybe now that we have it in the short/med range it will hold in the long range? Also, isn’t the soi gonna go negative soon? MJO moving into later phases? All points to the blocking not breaking down?  :weenie::weenie::weenie:

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  2. Just now, jaydreb said:

    Euro trolling us.  Has two snow events in next 10 days.  

    Things are moving around a ton right now. We won't know anything about a specific threat for next week until the current storm on Thursday gets out of the way. Friday we should start getting some clarity on the Monday-Friday timeframe next week. At this point though, it looks like we have a window of opportunity. That's all you can as for at a 7-10 day lead. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Ji said:

    we are in the PSU window of new pattern but he bailed

    If we're honest, we can't really be sure that the look will verify next week. However, does anyone else think it's hilarious how whenever chill or psu start being deb's we get some serious glimmers of hope? Remember, the first week of January? Snowstorm the next week. Remember this morning? Model's start immediately start showing a better look. This is the year of "weather's just gonna do what weather's gonna do..."

  4. 4 minutes ago, yoda said:

    Too bad nothing shows up... even SNE gets nothing out of it

    Yup...but there are a lot of moving parts. I just have hunch that someone along the east coast scores something next week. We've seen hits here and there by various models over the last couple of days. Both GFS/GGEM/EURO jumped on board with a good look up top today. We're at 7 days from that good look. Starting to get that look like of the weeklies. Who knows if it will last but if that look does indeed verify next week someone on the east coast will score something. 

  5. 2 hours ago, high risk said:

    While we focus on the medium range and an outside shot at a little snow as the rain ends Thursday, there appears to be a very subtle threat for tomorrow midday and afternoon.    While the bulk of the rain will fall Wednesday night when temps are plenty warm, the NAM and NAM nest both show the possibility of a few light showers around Wednesday, and temperatures are only slowly going to climb into the mid and upper 30s.    More relevant, the ground is insanely cold, so I could see a situation in which light rain is falling at 36 degrees, and the roads and sidewalks become icy due to the skin temps lagging far behind the air temps.    I called it a subtle threat, as temperatures will be rising,  and there probably won't be much precip around, but an icy surprise for some folks isn't out of the question.

    EDIT:   the nam nest is somewhat on its own with temps staying very cold during the day tomorrow, but I wouldn't write it off

    Appears the GGEM jumped on board to the idea at 12z...


  6. 13 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

    Third wave in this progression *could* be the winner if baroclinic keeps moving s and e with each wave. But alas this is more than 5 days out and it's the gfs op so grain of salt with this. Verbatim tho you can see where this sort of setup/pattern could go.


    So are we rooting for the NSW to slow down a touch here to allow the SSW to amplify? 

  7. 9 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    @Bob Chill you know I had a bad feeling after the last weekly run.  Remember how we noted the anomalies backed off significantly which suggested increased divergence compared to previous runs. It’s typically a red flag when divergence increases as lead times shorten. 


    5 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    CFS weeklies still look very good through early March.

    Cool bro...lol

  8. Cracks me up that people are whining about the pattern in 10 days. I guess that they don’t realize that we are actually in a pattern right now that has opportunities in the short range to see winter weather. Areas of the forum got over a foot of snow last week. Areas north and west picked up a sloppy inch or two last night. We’ve got 1-2 chances at wintry weather over the next week. Hopefully, everyone doesn’t get to the first or second week in February and miss the “good pattern” that is actually happening now...


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