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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Idk….wut the hell happened in 2015? Was that the epic Boston snowpack season? Where they didn’t know where to put all of it? I don’t really care about other places lol…..some try to purport you should….that it soothes the soul somehow lol
  2. It was all trash…..lol the deniers in here
  3. Rude…..lol…..you thought I didn’t ski once lol
  4. Ya….it’s why I get so pissed off when you lose December…..if you lose December you by default can’t have a “deep” winter…..deep winter means wire to wire pack and constant shots feeding that pack…..doesn’t have to be big shots but building shots…..throw in the biggie in January and/or February and you have the season of yore…..lose December and ****in who cares….or worse like this year where you get some then nothing builds it and it wimpily melts away all sad and shit…..sad sad winter 21-22 is….sad
  5. Wishes are dishes bro….they sit around waiting sadly to be dealt with….nobody wants to….nobody cares
  6. you forgot to divide by 10 lol…..and it’s over….chucking this season far
  7. Lol who cares about shits in Morch….it’s not building pack so why bother…..I’d rather by @weatherwizdancing nude in the street under 15 minutes of SVR than suffer shoveling dripping glop in Morch…..for christs sakes
  8. Lol see…..deep winter is fleeting…..I hate how in summer it’s easy to say “we had a solid three months or so in New England”…..lol
  9. I wasn’t here for the 01-02 and 97-98 seasons but 11-12 I was and I just don’t remember it now…..maybe the bad ones you repress IDK…..the octo bomb was epic though…..we took it up the ass hard here…lol…10 days on genny
  10. If you still don’t think it’s the worst winter in the record check again lol…..I called it back in December…..
  11. Lol…..it doesn’t matter….it’s over
  12. Wut pack….you serious bruh? Lol
  13. They said March was a winter month......so lolz.....game over man.....game over
  14. lol here in West Hartford........April showers.......
  15. What a POS storm…..”storm” lol…..can it be May already…..just a sequence of shit seasons for years…..years after years….
  16. I honestly can’t understand how you fools can discuss so seriously a bone job to your area….I’d be so pissed off…shit man
  17. I’ve skied/snowboarded for 39 years bro….
  18. Lol….that’s more like a pre-toss…..keep it 100
  19. I don’t get how taking solace in an area not getting boned works for anyone…..it’s denial at its best
  20. I got yelled at for tossing winter not two or three weeks ago…..patience they said…..winter is long they said….lol
  21. It’s an elongated POS again…..come on….lol Monday though
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