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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. You never got any snow to stick during those two or three mid-November light precip events? I'm at 0.8" on the season which, while meager, means I already lost my first snowfall virginity. I assumed the same was true of most in this thread
  2. Aye, down by the river, vis was about as close to 0 as you'll see. I don't usually mind driving in inclement wx but last night kinda gave me the spooks when you couldn't see tail lights on cars in front of you until you were within maybe 30 ft. Somebody could pull out or stop and you'd have no idea until you were inside their trunk.
  3. The BL never mixed out today. I know it's kind of an esoteric thing to get excited about but I don't believe I've ever seen a cloud inversion lasting all day long in this part of the country. We'd have to get some pretty intense cold or snow this month to objectively out-anomaly today
  4. Yeah, that was some pretty amazing radiation fog for this time of year. The sun angle is so low that even nearly four hours after sunrise, mesoscale analysis still shows the inversion in place so spots could remain foggy for another hour I would think.
  5. Hey @IrishRob17, it's almost time to start our annual initiative educating people about the earliest sunsets being in early Dec.
  6. There's been some speculation that marcescence may actually provide competitive benefits to the tree on a few different levels, including by insulating young growth against extreme cold in the winter and then deterring animals from eating new buds in the spring. Potential snow/ice stress is an issue in the early cold season, but since the tissue connecting the leaves gets progressively more brittle as time goes on, any remaining old leaves will simply get pushed off by the new ones as they unfurl. The bigger concern may be the long-term health of trees subjected to freezes occurring early or abrupt enough to disrupt their normal cycles.
  7. You know, the oceans and the sun cycle. It's caused by... the oceans and the sun. Q.E.D.
  8. Tickling 60 for a couple days in the typical warm areas doesn't really feel like it should count as a torch these days. It's all relative of course and I'm sure the departures are deep enough to qualify, but eh... November is a transition month and we're capable of much warmer, much later.
  9. If you move beyond the local FM station playing Mariah Carey on repeat for two months, there's a wealth of pretty good Christmas music to be found with a little digging. The problem is that it takes some effort to find stuff that isn't just the 100,000th cover of O Holy Night so sometimes it's easier to just turn on the Warren Zevon or ELO and pretend like you're Jewish.
  10. That's not a huge difference... they're both up around .9. A verification edge like that probably isn't even discernible without the numerical scores.
  11. You can tell that I'm right on the cusp of mixing by how aggregated the flakes are... but as long as it stays snow, that really works in the favor of accums. Sucks that this pleaseant surprise isn't being shared by more across the region.
  12. Boooo. What's your temp? 33 here, about .3" on the board and still falling
  13. Flakes flying on the bitingly cold wind here as well. If winds die down early enough tonight I'll probably make a run at single digits.
  14. That would be a terrible bet regardless of the month. I'd feel good about a sig snowfall though. Make it 4" and I'm in.
  15. Needless to say I wasn't prepared for precision measurements tonight. I think I'll skip the core sample this time around
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