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Posts posted by CoastalWx

  1. 12/08 totally slipped my mind. I just looked back over my numbers.

    12/19 8.5"

    12/20 4.1"

    12/21 11.6"

    Unfortunately the following week torched 2/3 of it.

    Yeah that was great. I woke up during the morning of the 21st before the main event started with another 2" on my car from this one band assoc with the cstl front passing through. After the band went by, my wind turned east.

  2. it's funny how everything is so relative

    when i lived in raynham mass in junior high/H.s i would be happy with 50 inches a year.....esp remember the april fools day storm.....and how the down slope nor'easter gave me only 3 inches of crap snow while diamond hill, ri where i went sledding later that day had over 20 inches at base of hill. :)

    when i moved to burlington mass after 10 years in Fl i would have been happy with 20 inches of snow i was driving all over the damn place to find snow..i dragged my gf of the time to wachusett in mid october after buying sled's at home depot that morning.....(and got great pics)....not to mention i think ORH airport a day or two prior to see a few flakes flyin ...i got fb pics to prove it

    then framingham last year i wanted at least 65....and got about 90-95....(and went skiing about 30 x at wa wa chusets)

    now i'm looking at sugar bowl california rentals and they average 500/ year .... i don't think i could ever enjoy (or tolerate) a SNE (errr non green mtn or white mtn) winter again if i actually went out there for more than a winter.

    Only we didn't get downsloped..lol. That was one of Will's all time storms, meanwhile it ripped my heart out and lit it on fire. One of the worst feelings I've ever had.

  3. The first half of that double barrel event ended up being a sneaky >12" event for both BOS and ORH. That inverted trough stuff the next day put us over the top.

    Not really your classic 12" snowstorm setup.

    I know...the weenie snows on the 20th really made it fun imo. I did pretty well in that. Of course we changed to rain the next day after a few inches, but overall it was a fun 48 hrs.

  4. Two pretty big gradient winters between interior and coast close together in that time...'00-'01 had just been two years earlier. The coast did make up a lot of ground in '03 at the end, but still definitely finished behind the interior. ORH had 117.3" in '02-'03 and BOS had 71.3"...71" is damn good, but you woulda expected probably 85 or more in BOS with that ORH total. But that epic February into early March certainly went a long ways on the coast...esp the south shore.

    Not as bad '00-'01 though when it was 102.1" vs 45.9".

    '02-'03 stung until early Feb because the gradient was closer. Although they got porked in 12/25 and 1/3...when Brockton used to do well and Marshfield struggled...I got pretty mad. I remember when I found out I was moving there from Brockton, I was disappointed...lol. In my High School weenie mind...I did not want to move to an area the averaged less. Luckily, they don't do as bad as I was originally thinking at the time. I also was happy I was on the nw side of town. :weenie:

    I did take solace the BOS struggled as well during the first half of winter '02-'03. I hated when they did well and it was raining down on the s-shore.

  5. There was actually a little weasel rain changing to snow event on Feb 2nd that never gets remember but it dropped like half a foot of snow over most of the northeast half of MA.

    Yes you are right, lol. That put me over the edge. Wow...the feelings are coming back to me. I think I threw the towel in after that one.

  6. Yeah from, Feb 6 to March 6 I think BOS had like 47" of snow...the south shore had more as they jackpotted in all 3 storms...Feb 7, PDII, and Mar 6.

    Like I was saying yesterday...I needed that. I got tired watching the snowpack build up heading to Lowell every day, only to watch it disappear as I headed back south.

  7. Great band, I have been thinking a lot. What will I think this year after last years incredible run? I have a feeling that even 1 inch will get me excited but am hoping for a Dec 03 blanket.

    I think we should certainly expect to have less...especially CT up through BOS...but I'm hoping I can get at least 50" in my backyard.

  8. That was a Kevin dumbfounded storm too. A lot of sleet down in CT. We actually have a poster here (I think the guy who lives in Sutton, MA) said he was driving on 146 from RI into southern ORH county in the middle of that storm when it went from ripping pellets to heavy snow.

    I was actually out in Ithaca for this storm doing a winter session class my senior year and I wasn't mad about it since Ithaca actually got clocked in that storm. We had like 16" of snow. It was a big storm...very large precip shield.

    Did Logan11 do ok? As long as him and Pete got clocked...I feel much better.

  9. I didn't call that total in, but I found a pic from that storm and I wrote 14" on it. I measured when I got home and stuck a yard stick in and actually had 14"..but it could have been an inch or more after settling.

    To this day, that was some of the best snowgrowth yet that I have ever seen. I have a few pics from that storm and PD II that I should scan.

  10. I know a lot of people don't really value wind as much as snow for a storm metric, but that storm was just ridiculous in terms of wind damage from Essex county up through NH and ME. It broke the record for storm surge at BOS harbor set from the blizzard of '78 iirc, but luckily this occurred at low tide.

  11. I can't imagine they were totally hugging it. I think most just got gun shy in a marginal setup. It was the GFS that had the biggest bust in the 2/10 storm so that would be even more ironic if they decided to hug the model that failed the worst in the 2/10 storm.

    I am still surprised at how conservative TV went in that 2/23-24 storm though. I mean, I can understand being afraid to forecast 8-14", but to be forecasting 1-3 or 2-4" seemed woefully conservative.

    I know Harvey looks at the euro in more detail then perhaps some of them and he was the more bullish iirc, but still a little low. I mean February in the ORH hills....it's not an uncommon occurrence. But similar people were also going 12-24" back on 2/2 of this year as well. That was almost the complete opposite of 2/23-2/24. We talked about how there was no way people would get near 2'.

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