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Posts posted by burrel2

  1. 3 minutes ago, rduwx said:

    12z euro was more strung out and tilt wasn't as close to neutral.  Just one run and lots of time for this to change but these are things we need to see improve moving forward  for more qpf imo.

    Sorta like that look 6 days out. It seems like these systems always tighten up and amplify a little better once we get inside 72hrs. 

  2. Climo hasn't change in my back yard for snow. I've gotten between 2-4 inches nearly every year since 1990 with the exception of 2010-2011 when I had 7.5 inches total(spread across two events).  There were 4 or maybe 5 winters where I've gotten nothing but trace accumulations or less across the last 30 years and they've been evenly spread out within that time frame.

    Also, take a look at the Arkansas/Texas region last year. They got a once in a 100 year type snow/cold event last winter. Pretty much the entire state of Arkansas got 12-20 inches of snow that stayed on the ground for weeks. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, StormchaserChuck! said:

    How about this trend of warmth in SE as a global warming hotspot? I always thought in the early 2000s, it would be +PNA warming, with above average everywhere and average in the SE... It seems now even in favorable patterns for SE cold, it just doesn't happen. Alberta clippers stopped sometime in the late 1990s. What's the correlation with melting arctic sea ice and Southeast, US temps? Get ready for a dead period in the 11-15 day. 

    February is running -4 degrees from average at GSP. We haven’t torched. 

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