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Posts posted by dendrite

  1. This is the coronal hole... it's early and extra fast.  Solar wind has increased and the last one-minute reading was 700.3 with a BT of 14-20 and a choppy but predominately negative Bz.  I could definitely see a G3 with easy naked eye visibility tonight.


    IOW, keep an eye out. Am I signed up for your text alerts?

  2. you saw the same aurora i did, it happened my freshman year at LSC which was 96-97...but i don't know if it happened right before 96 ended or right after 97 started...

    Anytime between 96-98 I was probably seeing double.

    Lisa has never seen me drunk. It's funny how you change with time. :lol:

  3. There was a nice, perfect green arc stretching across the sky up to about 30 degrees, tall rays only lasted about 2 minutes.  Just a faint glow more to the west now.


    Did anyone else catch that awesome meteor in the eastern sky?  Big and bright orange, ultimately splitting into a couple pieces before fading out.


    The next arrival of good solar wind should kick the activity up again...the Bz has been holding even lower, but the density has dropped even further.  Hard to get bright activity with a density of 2-3 protons.

    Text us when it rivals 2003. Thanks.
  4. I noticed the faint green on the northern horizon earlier too.


    Yeah? Wow, I didn't realize that. I only had a passing interest back then, so I don't think I spent more than a few moments looking upward for that one. It's pretty incredible to read the accounts of zenithal coronas over Chicago and NYC in 1859, 1882, etc., knowing how difficult it is to even see diffuse greens on the horizon.


    I got lazy and hooked my camera up to an intervalometer for some warmup time indoors. Will check again in a bit.

    Time for Eek to post his 2003 corona.

  5. That not-so-perfect period a few hours ago led to the slight kp drop.


    Bt is climbing and Bz is dropping. Looks really good.  Wouldn't be surprised if it went back to 8, just need the density to stop dropping.



    Get the camera ready. I'm contemplating turning the wx camera more northerly and upward tonight.

  6. The euro has busted before and will bust again. Boxing Day '10 is another example except that one went in everyone's favor. It's not infallible. The biggest problem is that it was so consistently wrong. Had it flopped around a couple of runs it would've been easier to discount it. I went to bed not expecting much after the big cave east last night...even though it still creamed me. Consensus usually wins.

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