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Posts posted by TheSnowman

  1. Just looked it up the old way on that site.  The PVD Data is completely screwed up through that period.  Doesn't get so many storms right.  Yikes.  How could some of the most epic winters be messed up like this?  But the MORE alarming thing is the Specific storms pages that used to exist back to the 1997-1998 season the NWS Boston site.  One could just add up all of those and then just be missing really smaller storms where the NWS doesn't take data.  Those HAVE TO BE Somewhere at the NWS.  It's not like they deleted them.....  

  2. 16 hours ago, Turtle said:

    Hey Cory!!

    Could this be the Utah site you were looking for?  https://climate.usu.edu/mapGUI//mapGUI.php

    This is through the University of Utah.  Looks like you can find data through the country, though.  Hope this works.  I can't tell you what happened to the old data on the BOX site.


    Mmmmm why does the site look basically down?  Or at least No where as easy to navigate as before.....    And No one seems to know what happened with the specific snow storm data, Or the missing 1996-2003 data either.  

  3. Need some help - NOAA got rid of PVD's Seasonal, Monthly, Daily Data for 1994-1995  -  2002-2003 a few years ago (because they didn't like how they acquired the data, and there was questions about it (which is redonkulous)).  Does anyone HAVE that data around? 


    I was also looking for the old UTAH Snow Page, but I lost my bookmarks recently and can't find it.  Do you guys have it?  It used to have TONS of data for Every Day for SO many sites around the country.  

  4. On 11/16/2018 at 11:08 AM, CoastalWx said:

    I love this one. It was in the long duration storm in 2015 IIRC. Look at those fooking gloves and lights. :lol:  



    How theheck are you guys so smart that you remember exactly what storm this is?  I can do that from my own crazy details but god knows what storm this was for this video lol, I just did it for TV!  


    I went Full Michael Jackson here.  

  5. 5 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    The airmass was over performing all day too...so that also could have been a clue to anyone still really gun shy.


    ORH not only set their record low max for the date...it was the coldest max temp on record pre-11/20. The most impressive part of it, is it was achieved without precip falling.

    THOSE are Incredible Stats.  


    Looks like Ray's Forecast is off to a Good start.  Especially since when the first storm outperforms... it's usually a good sign.  IE November 2004 with that 6" storm.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, dendrite said:

    You went to the wrong parties apparently.

    I'm on a plane flying back home from Michigan, and laughed out loud in the cabin at this.  

    6 minutes ago, #NoPoles said:

    Oh god, for a fleeting moment i forgot that TWC named theses things...Avery on deck...ugh

    Don't remind us :[  


    Good News: I already saw my First Snow and First Snowfall Accumulation in Lansing, Michigan on Monday, AND will be in Lebanon, VT Friday!  Hoping they get a Foot!  



  7. Pete Bouchard answered my messages about Ray (WHY does this only allow for a 92KB picture!?  Ugh.  I'll copy and paste) - 

    "Ahh...the old school measuring method. According to the NWS Chat boards, they thought it was overdone.  Eric Fisher presumed he measured the snow from the previous storm? (Don't know where he got that info.) I asked on the board whether they would accept it, and they said since he wasn't Skywarn, they would omit it. Then it was posted again this morning before they again struck it from the list.  Honestly, I can see how he could get 31. It's a tried and true method! And the RIGHT way to measure snowfall."  

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