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Posts posted by gravitylover

  1. I too was informed that unless it's illegal for me to be out on the roads I'm expected to be at work. The owner is out of the country with his son (asst. mgr) and my other assistants wife is expecting ~20th. My luck she'll pop a bit early :arrowhead:

    So did anybody get a look at 0 and 6z info yet? Looks like the jackpot might be ever so slightly east/northeast of us but we look to do alright with a foot or more by the end of the day Wednesday.

  2. 10" reported in Somers in Northern Westchester County...

    4" here in Dobbs Ferry.

    I think the Somers one may be just a touch high. I'm at almost the highest elevation in the area and Somers is right at the end of my block. I don't think I got over 8". What I did notice coming home last night is that south of about Yorktown there is noticeably less than from there up with the obvious demarcation between nuisance snow and winter storm being right around I 287.

    Folks - A nice hit on the Euro for our region regarding the storm on tuesday night... A nice 0.75" for all of us.. A little fast moving so taken as is, a nice 6-10 inch storm for us. Fingers crossed

    :yikes: I never thought I'd say this but, why does the most active period of the winter so far have to be when my boss and asst. mgr. are out of the country on vacation and the wife of the other asst. mgr. is due next week? Can't the snow just hold off until the last week of the month :axe:

  3. There are plenty of spots in the park and ride by the Temple and the new pay spots rarely fill up before 9am at Croton Falls. Goldens also has loads of meter spots and I have never seen them filled.

    Yeah but park and ride doesn't jive with a retail schedule. Carpooling is really tough for me because I can't guarantee what time I can leave at night. I didn't know that they had added spots at CF. Goldens is where I used to go and it had gotten horrible, I guess it's changed as more people are out of work now :axe:

  4. I took the train for about a year but it sukked! Driving is so much more pleasant. It really only takes me about 80-90 minutes each way which is less time than it took me on the train. It's also less expensive (sorta) now that one of my fireman buddies hooked me up with a parking permit. The biggest problem with taking the train is I need to leave my house an hour and a half earlier in the morning just to get a parking spot at the station that doesn't leave me with a $38-60 parking ticket. If you don't get there by 6:30am there are no daily pay spots left and since the stations aren't in my town I would have to pay $1200+ a year for a parking permit and the wait is a year or longer, then if you don't have the money available, and the day off from work to go pick it up, the day after they expect you to get the letter they sell it to the next person in line. When I was commuting that way I only saw my kids on my days off, 5 days a week without seeing your kids sux as does getting to work 90 or more minutes early. Today with the weather it's obviously going to take a bit longer to get in but I'll turn up the tunes and watch the sh*tshow that's bound to be going on around me.

    Back on topic - It's been snowing lightly here for almost an hour now. Schools are closed and I'm headed off to work in an hour or so.

    See y'all later.

  5. Traveling is fine until you get into NYC. It's a mess down here! There are still streets blocked with cars that have been there since Sunday, sometimes three or four cars on a block. This morning there were five cars on Houston St in the middle of the street that the plows just went around and there were tour buses stuck all over the place, especially Chinatown. If you need to come into the city don't do it with a car, there is no place to park.

  6. Well one can't get too greedy. LOL Snowcane type event is very rare. I imagine 12-20 east of the river and maybe 12-16 from Orange to Ulster is realistic...tapered down to 10 or 12 at NY/PA/NJ triple point.

    That's what I'm saying. No greed going on at all. I actually didn't allow myself to get my hopes up for too much because this kind of storm isn't supposed to happen in the strong nina (blah blah) and figured it would be cool to see a few inches and some wind. Don't get me wrong this is really nice to see! Anyway, I don't really expect much over a foot where I am so your E of the river estimate may be just a bit high. I'm hoping you're right but...

    Back on track - The wind is absolutely howling now!!

    I think I'll go out for another walk then come in, open another beer, make dinner and light a fire.

  7. Closing on 2" now I'd say, this stuff is blowing all over the place. It's light and dry :thumbsup: but the flakes are badly fractured and most are very small so it's not accumulating too well. The wind is easily sustained at near 20mph with branches cracking along the ridgetop above me. Very few uninjured flakes are making it down but the ones that are are just beautiful fluffy wonderfulness. I think the estimates of 18 or more may be too high due to this stuff being able to pack in much more densely thereby reducing accumulations. At least in my backyard...

  8. Hey guys :) Finally found my way over here.

    Yesterday morning was fun eh! I got about a half inch in just a few minutes and the roads went to ****. Of course I had the winter tires all ready to go on the car but couldn't find the right lug nuts for those wheels so I went slip sliding away to work. Managed to steer through a bunch of spinouts on Rt 6 on the way out. Welcome to another HV winter!

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