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Posts posted by DavisStraight

  1. 14 hours ago, bobbutts said:

    Had a violent shake.  Anyone?

    Didn't feel it down here but looks like you were a lot closer to the epicenter. It's a weird feeling when you feel a quake, when I was in San Fran I felt a couple, felt like I was getting lightheaded then I realized, it's a quake.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Layman said:

    For those who work at the resorts and/or have knowledge of mountain ops, what kind of info is there regarding snowmaking?  Specifically, are there known ratios for how much snow can be made, and/or ground covered at certain temperatures, water content and air pressure?  

    For example, if there's a super stable airmass at 20 degrees F for 24 hours, can it be reasonably precisely calculated how much ground can be covered at X inches of depth?

    I asked that question last year, Powderfreak answered, he knows all about that.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, WinterWolf said:

    Here’s the thing…I’ve been going there for 30 yrs.  I’ve been going the day after Xmas sledding for 25 of those 30 yrs.  Please…please don’t try and tell me that this is something new.  In the 25 yrs I’ve been doing this, it’s exactly as I stated.  ‘19 and ‘20 they had feet in the middle of December, and were up and running at near 100%, and the grinches wiped em out to bare grass both those years. Less than what you see in that picture(which is almost nothing). Last year they had next to nothing too. It goes back and forth. I have every year documented from 1997 to present. And this isn’t anything new in that regard.   Sometimes it’s a good December and then they get wiped out, some years they have the snow at the holidays to sled. 

    Stay in your lane bro. 

    He's just busting your chops.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

    Any feelings of despair I have over lack of snow this winter will be tempered by the upcoming first season with my new toy.



    Great looking boat, I spend a lot of time in Maine in the summer, I'll give you a call, we can go out for stripers :P

    • Like 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    Just got a propane full-up, 79.6 gal at $4.099.  genny has been running for 70 hours, and with the periodic 5-minute tests and a couple short outages since April, the gallon-per-hour estimate we were given seems to be working.  Called CMP because a neighbor on our short road had read that the road had power restored - nope; Sat. 10 PM was the latest estimate.  Burns a bit that folks on the tar road 2000 feet away got lit up last night, but with only 3 customers on our road, it's understandable.

    Bright blue 10-15 mph breeze, mid 20s.  Would be a beautiful day were the ground white.  Family scheduled to arrive tomorrow, though that's not firm, but when they get here things will look much like their home in SNJ.  Sad

    I'm in the same boat, when we lose power in town, there's only 4 of us on our street so we get taken care of last, they start in areas that get the most homes back with power first.

  6. 12 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    06-07 was the greatest Jekyll-Hyde (or Hyde-Jekyll) winter I remember anywhere.  The incredibly abrupt change came on Jan 14.  Prior to that Nov-Dec-Jan had been way AN for temps, especially Jan, with less than 1/3 of snowfall season-to-date.  A couple of 5" events plus cold started the parade, then came VD-07 - "only" 15.5" because it was 8:1 cornmeal at low teens.  Then the hits kept coming, topped by 18.5" on April 4-5.  88% of the season's 95.3" fell Jan 14 on.

    The 12.4" storm earlier this month was more snow than the 06-07 Hyde act.

    I remember golfing on New Years Eve that year and thought it would be a terrible year, but it recovered nicely.

  7. 1 hour ago, weatherwiz said:

    The two worst investments I've made the past few years

    1) A snow shovel - my girlfriend is from Florida and moved up here in like 2017. She had no idea there were shovels specific for snow and used a garden shovel. 

    2) Mac Jones jersey 

    Can I return both?

    Sell the jersey, keep the girlfriend

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    May I just point out a some 'snow logic' here? 

    Assuming folks equate snow with winter:  If one's regional climate receives 90% of their annual snow after January 1, how can December = 30% can kicking?  - especially when ( I don't think ) there was much of a forecast from any source that actually needed to be delayed during these last 3 weeks.  Maybe I'm mistaken but it seems the consensus was pretty robust on that. 

    It may be semantics to say 30% in that context, .. .because it sounds more dramatic and the point is really just an emotional one in the first place. I get it.   But ... that can be ameliorated by one's expectations being built for the right reason, and/or not forgetting the right rationale in general along the way. 

    Two aspects:  

    1, December climo is iffy for snow even as far N as Central NE.  Half to get elevation assist/latitude = NNE. That's definitely going to be true as certain changes continue to creep in a subtly force changes that no one is prepared/willing to admit are already happening  ( - yes, that back-handedness is intended lol). 

    2, altho I'm not certain El Nino has been exceptionally well coupled and forcing all this patternization of the hemisphere since mid Novie or whenever, but given how Dec has gone, the evidence is sort of damning. The multi ENSO - linear correlations tend toward milder/rainier Decembers.  

    I think   (1+2)/3 = low expectations and if anything ... a remarkably good fit for what has transpired.  Even if #2 is really more of a RONI thing than El Nino, ...meh.. luck favors those that put in the work (usually).  

    I think they're going by months with Dec, Jan and Feb being snow months, nothing in Dec is 1/3 of the snow months gone.

  9. 47 minutes ago, kdxken said:

    'To each their own, doesn't bother me, I just keep scrolling along..."


    Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner.

    No one bothers me either, we can choose not to read their posts and rely on the professionals and others who know more about weather, very simple really.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

    it was here ...so bad that numerous landscapers have gotten out of the snowplowing business...neighbors are having a difficult time hiring someone to do plowing this winter..

    Same around here, people complaining they can't find someone to plow, so far, they haven't needed anyone.

  11. 34 minutes ago, mreaves said:

    Wrong guy. He lives in CT. I will say that we’ve lost everything at 1250’ in Barre Town. 

    Grinch for you guys, it looked good the last week. Maybe a hail Mary can save you this week.

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