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Posts posted by DavisStraight

  1. 5 minutes ago, BrianW said:

    My neighbor is a lineman for Eversource. He said they are bringing in a ton of out of state crews on standby. 

    This is starting to look bad, better load up on my firewood today and stay in Tuesday.

  2. 1 hour ago, Spanks45 said:

    Lovely, at least the pack will have some protection...

    I remember in 2012 we had a good pack and we got icing on top. I could actually walk on top of the pack and it was close to 3 feet.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, The 4 Seasons said:

    Those are some of the most horrific crashes ive ever seen. im still in shock watching these. Especially the tractor trailer hitting that white truck at like 70mph how horrific. 

    Holy shnikes, why was the truck going so fast? There's always morons out there.

  4. 6 hours ago, White Rain said:

    Our roads locally were covered in so much tree debris it was undriveable, literally trees and branches all over our entire road, every powerline was also down and/or across the road (not an exageration). We had some heavy ice at the end that took down a monster tree in our backyard and scared the crap out of me and my wife. I regret not taking any pictures that day until most of the ice had melted. Too busy being worried about lost power and getting a generator.

    This was from along route 190 in Sterling that another resident took - not sure of the height but almost 100% lower than here. Being on the far east side with relatively high elevation made things worse than compareable height areas to the west. Although once you were high enough it didn’t matter, Wachusett ridge areas were the worst, but lower areas of Princeton were not as bad as here. Main areas of Leominster were not as bad either, but most areas there are in 300-350’ range, their power companies failed them though in restoring power. We were lucky to have our own light department.

    I hope we dont get a repeat in my lifetime, still tons of damage visible in woods behind our house.





    I had an appt in Lunenburg right after the ice storm, it looked like the area was bombed with trees and branches down all over the place, I have pics somewhere, Ill try and dig them up. The only sound I heard was generators for the lucky ones that had one.

  5. 53 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    I lived for years (and grew up) on the northern side of the city which is generally pretty nice (and so is the western parts around Tatnuck Square and Worcester St College...straight northern ORH near Indian Hill/Greendale/Burncoat area is a little more blue collar than west side but still pretty nice).

    But yeah, they never have addressed actual downtown. Hubbdave mentioned how the canal distrcit is making a comeback too which is nice....but this is pretty localized. The new stadium will be near there, so hopefully it helps expand the growth. They really need to revitalize Main Street between like the Police station and Hanover Theater over to Pleasant St south of Park ave. So much of that is still pretty dumpy. They've made slow progress, but there is a ton of potential there.

    The Multi's are on fire, investors that bought in Boston have expanded to Worcester, a nice three family will go for over 500k, I think you're talking about single families and I agree but its a crazy market for multis.

  6. 2 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Best thing anybody could have done in Boston. Buy a triple decker for 500K, make each floor a 500K+ condo. 1 mil+ profit. 



    You're a little high on your numbers but that's right. They tried that in Worcester and it didn't work.

  7. 17 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    That's how so many got in trouble, but people need to do a budget. These people aren't doing the homework for you. You hear of these stories of people losing homes, but yet they didn't do a realistic budget out. 

    And the mortgage brokers don't give a shit, they just want the commission, then when the SHTF they blame the appraisers.

  8. Some realtors I talk to are telling me they're getting 50 offers on a house they just listed. Im kicking myself because I knew the bottom was near in 2010 and I should have liquidated some stocks and bought a couple three deckers in Worcester. Almost pulled the trigger but didn't. I know a guy who bought 12 back then and can retire if he wanted but just keeps collecting oodles of rent money every month.

  9. 44 minutes ago, TheSnowman said:

    Oh no no, there’s still There.  Last weeks debacle will leave a mark forever, and One NEVER seen a radar where a Storm is coming from the West, and it’s snowing EVERYWHERE but On me, and to the West of me.  

    It happened a few years ago too, I remember you bitching about it, it happens.

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