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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. A bit more balanced here compared to my average. Starting with 99-00, there have been 8 BN winters, all at least 15" BN, one (12-13) almost dead on average, and 10 AN. That's why the median is 2" higher than the average. And with yesterday's 2.8" of fluff, also that rare (for this season) all-snow event, we've nickeled and dimed our way to 40", a foot above my YTD average. How January will finish is unknown, but it took only 3 days to pass December's weak total.
  2. Depends upon the variety. Of my 3, the Ultramac and Haralred began bearing 5-6 years after planting the 4' whips, while the Empire - nicest looking and fastest growing - took a dozen or more. Go figure. Great that you've planted chestnuts. Do you know the lineage, meaning the generations of crossing American with Chinese? The Chestnut Foundation people are looking to make a 1/16 Chinese with its resistance and the American size and form. You're probably a long way from any natural origin chestnuts; however, I've read that oaks can harbor the pathogen without themselves being harmed. And distance may or may not suffice. One of our foresters found several chestnuts on a state lot about 20 miles north of BGR 15 years ago, many miles farther north than I'd realized they grew. He made some small patchcuts just south of several trees, and a couple years ago the largest died of blight (though it left behind several seedlings, which was the goal of those patchcuts.)
  3. Nov. 1-Jan. 13 at my place ran 6° AN with 11.0" of snow. From then thru the Patriots' Day storm it was -5° with 84.3" snow. Ironically, the previous "winter" was just the opposite, for snow anyway, with 45.0" by Jan. 31 and all of 7.8" thereafter. 2nd lowest for snow and at the bottom for SDDs. (Hard to believe any winter parameter was worse than in 2015-16.)
  4. Guilty as charged (and as Jeff already noted.) 1.0" at 7 with 0.08" LE - tiny flakes at low-teens temps. Might've had another inch later, probably no more than that, but a snowfall not ending in RA is a nice change. Commute was a bit slow, but not too bad - roads all snow-covered except for the 100 yards in Belgrade where the tanker truck flipped and burned yesterday; road apparently still cooling. Nice GFS op runs the past day or so. Hope the trend doesn't reverse as we get closer in.
  5. When I joined cocorahs in 2009, I'd been making obs at 9 PM since 1/1/1976 and had no interest in compromising that data by switching entirely to 7 AM, choosing 2-a-day obs instead. On some major long-duration snowstorms, I've added a tweener about 2 PM. 200% above normal snowfall prediction for the mid-atlantic/northeast 200%? Most places with average snowfall >80" have never recorded 200%. MA sites averaging <20" are a different story - some had 400% in 2009-10.
  6. Last time I watched the cocorahs snow-measure product, its instructions were to record the storm at its max depth, and other info says that a snow-melt-snow sequence within an obs day should have the sum of both peaks reported. Thus one could easily report a lot more snowfall than the depth OG.
  7. My 7.5" is 12.1" BN. The Friday mess brought 3.5", better than most folks got, and though it was Dec's biggest snow it ranks 5th for the season, behind yesterday and 3 in Novie. Dews here are about zero. Given the modest qpf, I wonder how much will get eaten on the way down.
  8. "Decent" is a good way to describe it. Snowfall is about 140% of my YTD average and both Nov/Dec were BN for temps. Also, my SDDs through yesterday are 100+ ahead of any of the other 20 winters here, though that lead will evaporate quickly unless we get serious snow in the next 2 weeks. Of course, Dec was disappointing here like everywhere else in the Northeast, 3rd lowest snowfall of 21 here and less than 1/3 of Nov's total. Average snowfall by month (months with 30"+, my threshold for "big snow" month, in parentheses): OCT 0.7" (0) NOV 4.9" (0) DEC 19.6" (6) JAN 19.2" (1) FEB 23.1" (8) MAR 17.8" (4) APR 5.0" (1) TOT 90.3" (20)
  9. My more-than-a-bit subjective ratings for winter include grades for both temps and snowfall, but with the latter being given 2/3 of the weight. Pack retention is important to folks around here, including me, so my purely subjective modifications of the grades can move the summation from, say, a C+ to a B- (or plain C) depending on SDDs - average season here is 1,750, so a total 500+ either side of that may trigger a change. "Severe" would be winters above a plain B, and there have been 4 in 20 years: 2000-01, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2013-14.
  10. IMO, once an obs time is chosen, one measures whatever is there and let the chips (or flakes) fall as they will. I'm guessing that the places with midnight obs would do that for a storm that occurs 10P to 10A, despite the short time span for the 1st obs.
  11. Here it splits almost exactly between NDJ and FMA - the 2 halves were only an inch apart going into this season.
  12. Same here, though OES/IVT is also a non-starter as well. We did get 2" from a Norlun when living in Gardiner - 1992 IIRC - while PWM had 11" and Kennebunkport over 20. However, an all-pow 2" would be nice in a season where all the snow event seem to end with unfrozen precip.
  13. Amounts that differ greatly from nearby sites are suspect, which is why I wonder at the 40" reported for Dec. 6-7, 2003 at the Farmington co-op, even with a long-time and conscientious observer there. The New Sharon co-op, 8.5 miles to the SE, reported 23", and 2 miles closer at my place had 24". Farmington showed 14"/26" while NS co-op had all 23" by their 7 AM obs on the 7th. I had 6/18, but record at 9 PM, at which time it was puking snow - a midnight obs would've meant something like 12/12, so that post-midnight 26" really stands out. It was all powder and one of the windiest storms I've had here, 2nd only to Pi-Day '17, perhaps. We were an hour late getting to church (had to basically sno-blow 2x thanks to stuff pouring over the auger housing) and the snow there - 1.5 miles from the 40" obs - looked about the same as at home.
  14. My 2-stage walk-behind Craftsman labored a bit in meltwater-enriched stuff today - tossed it 10 feet rather than 20 - but no real issue. It was the 5-6" of gray waterlogged mush in mid-November that kept clogging the chute - that stuff was probably 3:2 ratio, pick up a handful and watch the water run thru your fingers. Snow is quickly firming up as temps drop past 32, still windy but not like earlier.
  15. Sun began peeking thru breaks in the clouds at 10:30, and 20 minutes later it went near instantly from flat calm to snow flying out of the trees at 35 mph. Now more sun than cloud, pushing 40 and wind still roaring, trees almost snow-free, new snow settled an inch.
  16. 5.0" here, exactly at the 50% probability from GYX. SN began 10 PM and accum was pretty much done by 4 AM though some light mix continued until about 8, LE at 7 was 0.61". Trees are loaded though it's falling off now as temps creep above 32. First peek at cocorahs showed 5.5" (Abbot) as tops, but observers from N. New Portland and Hartford failed to include snowfall, each having more LE than I listed, so I suspect both places reached 6" or more. Still puking snow in Aroostook, so tops for Maine will likely be there. Edit: Re-checked cocorahs, Temple now ahead with 6.3", Franklin County FTW.
  17. My wife sent me (on Facebook) an old newspaper pic showing a payloader between 14-ft walls of snow in West Farmington following the 43" dump in Feb 1969 that brought the depth to 84" at the co-op site closer to town. Dream stuff.
  18. If 2.17" RA on 21-22 plus the 49° on the 22nd could only chop our solid 12" down to 7", this event won't do much to the glacial 10" left after Friday's kitchen sink. I expect a net gain.
  19. 4-6" for my area, with 10% chance at the 8-12 bracket. (Also 10% for <1" )
  20. Nice to see GYX on board for a colder scenario. Up until now they were pretty bearish for frozen, now it's 4-8". GFS still warm for this one, but has 8-12" out at day 6. Things are perking up.
  21. Just saw this (was away 19th-27th) and had to note that there is some QC done of cocorahs reports. One summer morning several years ago, I headed to work with no clue there had been showers overnight - porch steps/vehicles had been dry. Got a pm (from state administrator or some such) questioning my zero precip, checked the state's reports and found folks in the general area had reported a tenth or two. Arriving home, I found 0.13" in the gauge and edited my report accordingly. It's far from WSO precise and with 15k or so observers there will be plenty of goofballs, but there is some checking done. 27.98" according to Davis, but it's been missing some events Looks 15-20" low. I'm at 48.84" and will finish there unless the next storm begins before 9 Monday night. Prior to this past event my total was 47.99", or almost exactly what Brian noted from Sebago. I think PWM is over 50".
  22. Another 0.04" ZR overnight to bring total LE to 0.85", 0.41" SN (3.5") and the rest IP/ZR, more of the latter. Currently moderate rain in the woods - from ice melting off the trees. Hoping for a brief warmup so as to make snowblowing the driveway easier, but it's going slow.
  23. Not Dec, but 1/14 here was 3.5° BN and my least snowy January (5.1", about 1/4 avg) of 20. The month featured AN precip as well; thru mid-month avg temp was 11.6 (4° BN), with 3.40" precip and 2.1" snowfall. Thanks to Novie, much of NNE is still playing with house money snowfall-wise, but this month has certainly disappointed, region-wide.
  24. DZ and increasingly foggy here in Augusta. Hoping we got above 32 at home, as fog + black ice is a not-fun combo.
  25. November had 3" more snow than my Dec avg, and this current event finally got my Dec snow above the Novie avg. Both months will finish BN for temps, Nov by 5.5° and Dec probably about -2 once I interpolate the data I missed while in SNJ - was running nearly 6° BN thru the 17th.
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