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Everything posted by Speedskater

  1. What was the location of the little tornado nean Medina last nite?
  2. So winter just arrived near Lakewood Park. At 24ºF it's about 12 degrees colder the the previous fall low. And the first snow, somewhere between 1/8 and 1/4 inch.
  3. 9AM Friday, almost 3 inches of new overnight snow near Lakewood Park.
  4. Two & a half inches of snow overnight (Wed/Thur) near Lakewood Park.
  5. Just checking in from near Lakewood Park. At Noon I measured 5 inches. Although Nick the young Meteorology student next door only saw 4½ inches.
  6. Zero snow near Lakewood Park. However at 9PM Thursday my wife had slushy snow on the car just ¾mile south of the lake.
  7. Meanwhile near Lakewood Park, less than ¼ inch (maybe 1/8 inch) of new snow since Monday morning. The North wind has held in the 30 to 40 MPH range since late Monday evening. So the new snow blows away as fast as it falls.
  8. 8:30 AM Tuesday morning near Lakewood Park. A surprising amount of drifting for a small amount of snow! Almost half of my driveway is bare concrete. So I'll guesstimate 2 inches.
  9. At 9 AM Tuesday morning near Lakewood Park, we have just over 3 inches of new snow. Yesterday, I was generous with a 9 inch guess, make it 8½ inches.
  10. At 7 AM Monday morning near Lakewood Park (400 feet from the shore of Lake Erie) a quick guess is 9 inches overnight. With maybe 1 inch Sunday morning that mostly melted.
  11. I was out shoveling my driveway and the snow seems very heavy for air temperatures under 18ºF.
  12. I'll go with about 7 inches near Lakewood Park. But it's a real challenge to measure. Just 400 feet from the lake and morning wind gusts over 45 MPH. All kinds of wind blocks mean lots of drifting. The low temperature was under 12ºF.
  13. Meanwhile near Lakewood Park, we got the first real snow of the season Friday evening. But just over 1½ inch. Euclid is 15 miles to the east and the TV news reports that they received 17 inches.
  14. 9 AM Saturday morning and only the smallest trace of LES at Lakewood Park.
  15. So far this season we have had less than one inch total snowfall. But Saturday morning on the way to the Cleveland Hts. ice rink, I could have used my skates on the East Cleveland roads and East Cleveland is at the bottom of the hill.
  16. Edgewater Park Weather Station? I just noticed what appears to be a solar powered weather station on the breakwall. Does anyone know anything about it?
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