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Posts posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. I would report the strange, orange, light ball in the sky right now; but it hurts my eyes and I can't investigate it. 

    I'll guess the sun first appeared in Annapolis about 12:15. Last seen on Thursday, I think.

    A patch of blue sky also. 

    • Haha 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, NeffsvilleWx said:

    But the actual landfall point was always in the cone. From day 1. It's like people don't understand that the "cone" represents only the potential path of the eye.


    Really, if one is in the cone or within the radius of the eye outside of the cone, preparations for an eyewall strike should be taken. And if they're within the radius of the hurricane force winds outside of the cone, then prepare for hurricane force winds. Likewise for TS force winds.

    The entire Florida Peninsula was in that cone. 

  3. 1 hour ago, SnowenOutThere said:

    51 degrees out today, was a little chilly waking up for swim but can’t wait to go outside after school

    I think you could cut school. And it's a Friday too. In fact, why doesn't the County close schools? We'll go to class on a rainy winter day instead.

    Didn't get below 50f here in the swamps this morning,  (normal), but it's breezy, and very nice.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    .......   *Let the record show I made a positive contribution

    Oh great. Now everyone will want to make a positive contribution, and there will be no more negativity on the site. No more snide remarks, cynicism, pessimism, nor sneering disbelief. The power of positive thinking will reign. Peace will break out everywhere.
    We'll be ruined. 
    Ruined, I tell ya.


    (BTW Maestro; I did read and enjoy the link. Never seen MM before. Wonder if he'll make a winter outlook.)

    • Haha 1
  5. August total 4.36"

    Highest max temp 92, lowest min 57

    We are also in the Wall-to-Wall Green Summer club, with 20.02" for June-July-Aug. The Crepe Myrtles show it the most, flowering better than I ever remember.

    Generally a slightly cool, wet summer.

    • Like 2
  6. 17 hours ago, Eskimo Joe said:

    Outside of some fluke in the gulf, I don't see how we get a landfalling US hurricane this year. 

    I like the boldness.
    A large blob of gusty heavy rain will form in the GoM and someone will name it. Then they'll declare it a Cat-1 based on recon. Highest actually measured gust will be 50 mph, and it will be called "the most devastating hurricane to make landfall this year". (sort of true) And there your prediction is ruined by one storm.
    (Sorry my post doesn't add much to the discussion, but it's just so slow now.)

  7. 19 hours ago, CAPE said:

    Oak tree blight has been common on the eastern shore for years, but not sure what the cause is- probably multiple factors. Primary symptom is the tree doesn't fully leaf out, and the following year basically nothing, so its dead standing.

    Some info here from UMD-


    The photo at that link is what the trees here look like up top before they rapidly deteriorate.

    I have a big one over my parking area with several dead branches and just had it cleaned up a week ago. Temporary fix as the tree will likely have to come down next year. I have 3 that are dead standing out back and the insects and woodpeckers are having at those, but they are far enough back that I will probably let nature take its course. The oak tree that fell a few weeks ago during a storm was a victim of carpenter ants- it had a weird extended trunk at the base with an opening that probably gave them access.

    This is a pretty good description of the many oaks we've lost over the past 20 years. I've noticed that, upon cutting and splitting them, they're all infested with borer beetles. Don't know if this is cause or effect, but someone suggested protecting the trunk with permethrin in the Spring/early Summer, so we've tried that for the past 4 or 5 years, and so far have had less oak death. But, I just don't know if it really helps or just a coincidence. They don't look a heck of a lot better. Also, permethrin is not cheap. Also, it seems to attack the red oaks much worse than the white. 
    Hope that helps someone. Guess this belongs in the garden thread.

  8. 6 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    Okay, so you mean sensible obs are not consistent with the teleconnection indicators....

    The frustration of long range forecasting summed up in one brief thought.
    (OTOH, that's part of the fun.)

    • Like 2
  9. Fairly intense here in Annapolis for about 15 minutes at the heart of it. Gusting and heavy rain with low visibility. Not much thunder though. Will be interesting to get a look at the gauge later.

    Starting to clear now.

  10. 1 hour ago, WeatherShak said:

    In bubbling for the last couple hours in downtown DC



    For some reason I expected to see John, Paul, George, and Ringo in that picture.  (Kind of a stretch, I guess).

    Bit of rain now falling in Annapolis at 2:30.

    ETA: With thunder . But the whole storm is quite small. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Terpeast said:

    Was 1979-1992 really that bad? Not sure if you’re talking NYC north, but in the mid-atlantic we had PD1, 83 and 87. Grew up with those and had plenty of fun as a kid. Sure, we had lots of duds in between those winters but that’s par for the course around here. 

    ...plus a fair amount of extreme cold. 

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