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Lava Rock

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Posts posted by Lava Rock

  1. 48 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    Its insane up there, Looks like sunday is trending colder even on the warm GFS, Looks like we may stay all frozen even here as now were getting a secondary reflection over Southern Maine.

    good. keep that rn shat to the shouth

  2. 1 hour ago, dryslot said:

    lol, I'm looking to ride into April.

    andover this weekend, millinockett next, skiing the following. that'll probably be it for me sledding. Maybe last weekend of the month, but depends on weather next couple weeks. Not a big fan of riding in 40+ weather

  3. 16 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Sunday night storm trending colder each Euro run. It’s now got a couple inches of snow changing to ice maybe ending as cold drizzle 

    Fingers crossed. Would be nice to get another couple decent events, then I'm ready to flip the spring switch.

  4. Pretty funny how we've had multiple events this winter up here, none that reached double digits. You guys have had a few events, yet score one with nearly 18". To cap it off, some places in SNE have more snow otg then places up here. The tables turn quick. Congrats, you guys deserve it.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    I may go down this season without recording a single storm over 10" which i would have to check my numbers but that would be rare.

    I measured 4.25" before I left for work. Still snowing, but end is near. I thought we might have snagged 6-7" based on growth and rates right at the start around 9 last night. Was probably 0.5-1"/hr stuff. Must have let up after I fell asleep.

  6. Looks like they will be getting some snow down south, which is good.  Meanwhile, I spent a good part of the weekend enjoying what we already have.
    The first two were taken in the Groton State Forest not to far from me.  The last one was taken near Island Pond, VT  Lots of snow up there and really just about all of VT east of the CPV.  I'd like a few small refreshers to make sure the season goes for a few more weeks.  I guess there aren't any big warm-ups in the immediate future so we should get past my self-imposed cut-off date of March 15th, usually by then I'm ready for the snow to start giving way to fairways and greens.
    Looks great

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  7. A guy I know was riding the north shore of the St. Lawerence, northeast of Quebec City in this last storm. It got so bad they couldn’t ride in the trail and since the road was closed to non-emergency auto traffic, the police let them ride the road. They did 120 miles of road riding in one day. He posted in the New England Sled Talk FB group as the Winter Traveller. Was quite an adventure. 
    Wow, that's crazy. Been trying to get on that FB page but can't

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  8. 11/20, 1/20, and 2/13 were over 6".  Not by much, though.  No events over 8" so far. 
    9.5" is my biggest storm. Would be nice to double digit, but wouldn't be surprised at all if this one hooks more right. Certainly been the trend to underperform this season

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

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