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Lava Rock

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Posts posted by Lava Rock

  1. 2 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    I agree, All my kids are grown up and out of the house, Wife and I spend a lot of time together, And we both have a lot in common so i don't see retirement being any issue.

    As long as my wife can tolerate my constant farting, we're good. 19yrs so far, so I think I can continue to eat beans and broccoli

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  2. 6 minutes ago, BrianW said:

    Europe never understood America’s love of air conditioning — until now

    BERLIN — A second-sizzling heat wave that’s sweeping Europe this summer is fueling a shift in attitude across the continent to the once foreign concept of air conditioning.

    Until now, fewer than five percent of all European households have air-conditioning, compared with 90 percent in the United States. But Europe’s air-conditioner stock is estimated to roughly double within the next two decades, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), as record heat becomes more frequent.



    Wow. Never realized the less than 5 percent have AC in Europe. 

    i'm doubting that 90% figure

  3. Makes me feel better at least. I have shit soil and minimal crab. You had landscapers dump loam and hydro seed, and you’re fighting it? I dunno...I’d be pissed. 
    Any loam is gonna have some weed seeds, but it's the large area that is encompassed. It used to grow around edge of driveway because of the higher heat the weed prefers.
  4. How low do you cut it in the spring/now? Hell, I probably would've just let it grow out of control right through warm season this year until any weeds start growing above it and then keep it cut at 4". That looks like all dirt and crabgrass.
    Yeah some was dirt cause our plow guy dug up the grass late spring. Regarding mow height,.I cut at 4"; highest my mower will go. I'll deal with weeds next spring
  5. 1 minute ago, tamarack said:

    Sunday PM models had 1"+ for my area.  Yesterday's PM forecast reduced that to 1/4-1/2".  7 AM cocorahs report: 0.03" but we survived the flooding.  That's after getting a whopping 0.01" from Sunday's cf while N/E Maine got clobbered.  Seeing 2"+ in S. Maine overnight adds more salt to the wound.  Might've gotten a tenth post-7 AM, but watched echoes die as they approached my area so maybe not.

    I know Dryslot doesn't want the rn, but our soil is dry, so was rooting for at least 0.5"

  6. You're just starting to see now where the outflow is running out ahead of the updrafts (faint bulge east of the echoes SE of Long Beach). But there are some pixels over 70 knots ~ 3,000 feet off the ground. 
    70+ dews can overcome a lot of environmental hostility sometimes.
    Can we score at least 0.5" tonight?
  7. GFS up to its old disappearing-QPF tricks - AUG-WVL-RUM triangle under 1/2" on 12z op run, after being 1"+ this time yesterday.  AUG was reporting light rain at 2 PM, but it hasn't made it here, 2 miles SE from the airport.  Radar just falling apart as it tries to enter Maine.  Still time, however, as there's a long reach upstream.
    All of 0.02" here so far
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